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A Perfect Experience in Ecuador: Museo de Sitio Intiñan/ Intiñan Site Museum!

   Merhabalar, dear friends! How do you feel? I'm great and here i am for a new travel blog! Are you curious? Alright, i'm gonna talk about Museo de Sitio Intiñan/ Intiñan Site Museum, guys! 'It's interested for you? Yep, if it so we can start to talk!☺

   Intiñan Site Museum was a great experiences for me dear friends. You can taste of history as well and learn about how lived native people and their beliefs! There is 3 main regions in the country; Amazonies, Andes Mountains and the coastline. These ethnic groups has different cultures each others and an Ecuadorian family opened a open-air museum. Yep, there is a open-air museum and they're starting to explain their cultures and starting to produced their local plants there.

   You'll find to ethnics funerals and burying styles, clans leaders wars who with enemies and their victims, various and unique bugs, fishes from amazonies, a lot of experiments of gravity and hemispheres, totems, sundial and more! Most awesome experiments are trying to keep an egg on the needle and water tests, dear friends. Here it is a buried someone👇

A unique poisonous fish and a spider from Amazons👇

   Let's talk about sundial! Before come of the equatorial line, you'll see the sundial, guys. It was help to when they understand to their plants sowing and harvesting times! In this way, all of the plants were harvesting as well and enough for everyone.

  Totems are different topic too, dear friends. There is many of Totems in the enviroment of the museum. The interesting one is, many of countries of South America gifted their Totems for here. For me most interesting totems were Colombia and Argentina ones.

   I wanted to talk about clans and their leader's wars but this subject can be negative for some readers, dear friends. That's why please forgive me, i can't talk about that! Just i can say this relaxly, definitely visit there and learn their lifes. Trust me, you'll never regret!

   Well, now we're coming most enjoying subject! I mean, tying to keep an egg on the needle. It's really, really enjoying and difficult part of the museum tour. Firstly, your guide is doing that and show you and then he/she want to this from you. I can't be humble guys, i'm sorry!😁 Only i did it of our group included my wife too and inside of 45 seconds. Our guide was surprised too and congratulated me!☺ It's really difficult but if you understand to how it's work, you can doing it as easily. Here is it, this video is my prove 👇☺

      Most interesting part is water and body tests, dear friends! I wanna start with the water tests first. Guys, water tests are mean North, South and middle of the hemispheres water flow. So it mean, if water flowing is clockwies, you're in the South and if water flowing is counterclockwise, you're in the North. It's very interesting, if you're in the middle of the world, water flowing is directly, so it never turn anywhere! It's really weird thing. I was so interested of that.☺ Another experiment is body tests! You can't walk with balance in the equatorial line while your eyes is closed and opened arms and their head fingers looks up! Everyone tried that but we couldn't do. I tried too much time but i couldn't do that too. You can try also, dear friends! If you do that, it's mean you're a balance machine or balance monster!☺

   Now i wanna talking about a food and drink, guys. They consume as an alcohol drink 'chicha' it's made from corn! Maybe you won't believe that but resources is show us, it's first made date B.C 5000! And the food they consume 'cuy'. It's a kind of mouse and their size change between 15 to 25 cm. You can taste cuy there if you brave a little bit, they're cooking it on the barbeque!☺

   Lastly, dear friends! This museum is located; Manuel Cordova Galarza/ Av. Manuel Cordova Galarza/ San Antonio de Pichincha/ Quito/ Ecuador. Don't forget to stamp your passport that you're here, dear friends. Their guides are great and they can speak English also, that's why you don't need to worry for understanding. We were so satisfied of our guide. Entrance is 8$ with guide! There is a parking for your cars or motorcycles but if you haven't a car or vehicle, you can go there by the bus or taxi, dear friends! More pics from there for you 👇👇👇

   Thank you for readed! See you to next articles, guys! You can contact me by my mail for your every questions 👇👇👇


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