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About me; ertugishere!


             Hello guys! How are you? J I wanna starting to talk about myself. I realized, i haven’t any information about myself in my blog. Genarally i was talking about enterence of my articles to myself but a little bit. You’ll learn informations about myself end of the this article. Who i am, what i’m doing and what’s i done, my jobs and more  J


Where i can start, believe me i don’t know. Maybe i can start to where i’m from! Yeah, good topic. OK, let’s start!

I’m from western of Turkey, Çanakkale. Actually not, because my hometown in cross of the sea so, Kilitbahir village. Kilitbahir is located Gallipoli peninsula and this peninsula located is Europe side of Turkey. You can think like İstanbul, it’s have 2 sides; Asia and Europe. Çanakkale is too.

I was born in Çanakkale –in the hospital- but i grown up in Kilitbahir. So, my childhood passed in Kilitbahir. This place is awesome and almost perfect for me. We’re here have clean air, silent and peaceful, clean-clear sea and inside of this fresh-testy fishes, sea products and more uncountable beautiful things. That’s why, i think we’re so lucky.

Anyway, I was born at 1992. I was living in Kilitbahir but i was going to school in Çanakkale. Çanakkale and Kilitbahir travel between providing are only ferries. That’s why if you need to no-late for somewhere, you must to organising to your time for ferry hours. Sometimes ferries doesn’t work cause of strong winds and waves from southwestern winds, foggies and snowing. In these weathers you can’t anything. Just you need to wait for weather heal. –All of my school times it was perfect for me-  J

I became a bartender as graduation from my high school. I done my internships as 2 years in Antalya when i was 16 and 17 years old. These was reaally hard work for me but i had to finish my internships like all of my friends. Imagine; you’re 16 years old and working minimum 10 hours at luxury with 5 stars hotels! And also in Turkey, if you’re working a interner class you must to work more than other personnels. Our captains or chefs always threatened us, if we doesn’t work good, they’re complain us to our teachers. Son of a BEACHES! From the seaside ones  J

After my high school, i studied at university. I was working in night club as a bartender. After my university i was also work at hotels in Antalya as the same department. And then i couldn’t endure more and i quit all of hotel jobs. Because i hate to justiceless and there is always that damn jobs in hotel jobs.

Meanwhile, we had a band in our high school times. We formed our band when we ends of 17 years old. So, last 2 years for finish to our high school. We joined to music competitions between high schools in Çanakkale in 2 times. I told 2 times beacuse after 2 years our high school was finish already.  J That’s why i’m a musician. I’m a singer but i can play all types of guitar and drum. Anyway guys, result of music competition first; nothing! J I think i was 5th or 6th. In second year our lead guitarist first between all of guitarist and our band was second in the competition. Yeah, i can hear your voices! Maybe we would first if we wait one year more. J Maybe, why not? But we were finish our high school.

We done music at bars in nights while we going to high school and after high school. Also we continued after high school but we had to quit to this job after for going to our universities. Because i was going to diffirent university! Here your chance, just my city was diffirent. We broke up with each others between 2 years and our band was disbanded! Such a wonderful days it was. I was enjoy and i felt free. Especially when i think about hotel jobs! Ahh, that’s why i worked in hotels after my university.

In 2014, i went to capital city of Turkey, Ankara. We were working together with my drummer and rythim guitarist. Our plan was working and making music together, save our Money and go to abroad, in anywhere. But our plans fell through again. J Because we were living a big city and you know, big cities always give you with big problems. We were paying for house, electricity, water, natural gas, internet, everyday 2-3 different buses for go to work, our cell phone taxes, food and etc. Briefly, we couldn’t save Money!

I turned back to my hometown after 6 mounts. I found a job in Çanakkale, a cafe! Rather i didn’t find, owner of that cafe called me for work. I accepted and i was work 2 years in there. I was working that cafe and also writing articles for Turkish sites. My readers found me funny. They wrote me always good comments and this thing made me inspire. And then i wrote more articles, more and more. I quit to cafe job because i learned he never payed my insurance. So my last 2 years was rubish for my insurance. Thank God i never live experienced some sicks.

Well, then i realized to no good Money earn of my articles. I continued to writing more but i understood that job not rescue me. This duration i decided for study my master’s degree. That’s why i started to research abroad universities for 1 year. Yeah, i was still writing articles but my Money wasn’t managing me. I couldn’t eat regularly, sometimes i ate just 3-5 apples or a little bit boiled potatoes of the day. I had some saved Money and i had to make a plan for that Money. So, i had a last bullet of my gun! I was playing to Russian roulette, i was going to rescue myself or i was going to die! J

Russian roulette? Russian roulette from Russia! Russia! Why not? Russia was perfect for me! Yeah, Money volue almost same and it’s close to Turkey. Yeah, i decided to study for my master’s degree in Russia. I went to Russia and lived 2 years. We met with my wife in there also. I can say Russia is milestone for me. We met with my wife in Yekaterinburg/ Russia and we married in Çanakkale.

Now i’m 30 years old and i living of my grown up house with my wife. So, we’re in Kilitbahir. I’m still writing articles, cooking, chopping wood for our stove, hiking in weekends, walking in the coastal, playing guitar and singing and etc.

Yeah guys, now you’re recognize me. See you to next articles. Stay reading and stay healthy. Goodbye!

                                                                                              Greetings from ertugishere!

Mail: ertertgungor@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ertugishere

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ertugishere/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ertugishere

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