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A Western of Turkey style Squid Recipe! Most Yummy Squid You'll Ever Eat!

         Have a good day, dear friends! How are you? Today we wanted to drink Turkish rakı with my wife. If you drink rakı, you need to eat many of appetizers! Because it's really strong and you must to think your stomach.😊 That's why you should drink water too much, eat many of appetizers and yogurt.

          Dear friends, rakı like to meat dishes, fishes and sea products as main food. But you can choose kinda cheeses, olive oiled vegetables dishes- willow salads and fruits too while you drink rakı. Especially in summer times, your locksmith table can be light. So, second option is better for you in spring-summer seasons.

           As a westerner i prefer fishes and sea products, guys. We had squid in our freezer and i wanted to share with you my squid recipe. Believe me, you'll eat soft and most delicious squid. I learned to this recipe from my dad. My dad is a sailor and fisher, i mean he is cooking most tasty! His recipe is so easy and you can easy to find market materials.

            As historical, almost every sea products and fishes recipes are legacy us of Greeks. So we need to thanks them a lot. I'm greeting to all Greek people from here.😊 Our (western of Turkey) culture is almost similar with Greek culture. Our foods and dishes, drinks, music styles and night-tavern entertainments. For example, when i go to Gökçeada island (Imbros), definitely i'll stop by a Greek tavern and i eat-drink something.

            Alright dear friends, let's pass to examine what we need to cook squid! First we need to powder carbonate and mineral water. This mixing will be helpful of soften squids. We're washing our squids as well and take them a big pot. We add to mineral water and carbonate on them. After we need to wait 1-2 hours. *If your squids doesn't cut, you can cut them 1 cm size as circles*👇

             Our next process is fries them, dear friends. For this you need to corn flour and vegetable(sunflower) oil. Before fries them, we strain our squids from soda-carbonate water with the help of a strainer and dry all of them.

           Drying is really important clue. If you don't dry them, they will explode while fries and burn your hands and arm! Becareful this, guys.

              After drying squids, take them a new pot. We're mixing corn flour and salt in another pot. Then add to flour-salt mixing on the squids and mix everything with your hands. In this duration, we add to sunflower oil on the pan and wait for the oil to heat up on medium heat.

              Second clue, dear friends! Oil must be heated as very well. How can you understand this? It's so easy, take flour a little bit with you fingers and drop to oil. If flour is bubbles, your oil is ready. The reason of heated-oil, your squids doesn't take oil insides too much. Otherwise, you feel a lot oil in your mouth while eating them and won't be tasty for you.

              Well, now add to our squids on the heated oil. We fries to in two sides of our squids until become golden color.

               Then take them to a plate with paper towel. Paper towel will help to take excess oil our squids. That's it, dear friends! Enjoy it. 

               You can eat this dish while drink beer too, guys. I wanna warn you again, the squid has high-calories! 1 portion of squid is almost 700 calories. That's why, don't go overboard with consuming, dear friends. Especially if you eat it while drinking alcohol, you need to careful too much for your health!

           If you have questions about this recipe, you can always hit me up by my mail, dear friends. And also if you wanna take a look my other articles, you can visit my blogger. Take care and stay healthy!


mail: ertertgungor@gmail.com

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                                                                                                               greetings from ertugishere


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