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A Legendary Town: Gallipoli


                Hey guys! How are you? I’m great! Here i am again with a travel article. I gonna talk about a cute, historycal and coastal district in this blog. It’s Gelibolu! This district is really important about marine and the sea. If we translate to english this district, we call Gallipoli. Absolutely a must visit place! Especially if you wonder history of sea and sailors. Alright, let’s take a look where it is located.

Dear friends, Gallipoli is 50 km away from my hometown. So, 50 km east away from my home as my compass. If we looking map of Turkey, it’s located West, connecting to Çanakkale province. But Çanakkale also connecting 2 continents like İstanbul. Their are Asia and Europe. Gallipoli is located European side like my hometown. And also it’s give same name itself all of ‘Gallipoli peninsula’. If anyone of Turk ask me where i’m from, i say clearly Gallipoli peninsula.

I visited many times in this district a looof of years ago. But 2 mounts ago visited again with my wife. I was feeling love again! I just wanted to show my wife to there frankly, but everything was changed when i arrived there. J I missed, reaally missed! When you arrive there and get off the bus, the sea smell welcomes you first. And then you look around, a big port, little shops and little fishing boats say you welcome. Please imagine this! It was wonderful guys!

Dear friends, if you wanna visit there, i gonna share our experiences with you. You’ll be do perfect trip after read this blog. I gonna say where you visit important, beautiul and historycal places, what about you’ll eat foods, what you’ll do more and everyting. If you ready? Here we go!

Firstly, you’ll open your navigator if you have a car and you’ll write there Gelibolu wherever you in Turkey or abroad. No more you do, navigator will bring you there. When you arrived, i recommend to you first visit fishing port. Little, cute fishing boats and really historical casttle walls are welcomes you. You can take photos whichever you want!

If you haven’t a car and you’re in Turkey, you can say to bus companies want to go Gallipoli. They’ll help you and warn when you arrived in there. After visit fishing port and tooks a lot of photos, you can go to visit Piri Reis Museum. This museum is so close to fishing port. It’s also there, just you need to 100 steps for find it. J Alright, now we can talk about this museum! Why it’s so important for visit and who is Piri Reis? Let’s talk.

Alright guys! First, i wanna talk about Piri reis. Why he so important for Turkish marine history? Yeah, actually he was a big Turkish admiral and sailor. He was an Ottoman, we talking about between 1465 to 1554 years! He has a really big history but i’ll keep short for you. Piri Reis was drawed America continent as perfect while he was travel. He not drew only coast, also people, animals and looks weird creatures that were there. I’m sharing of his map for more clear you get it:

Weird, right? Especially looks terrible creatures. Yeah guys, that’s why he is really important for us. He was a great sailor and admiral. He was so help us for understand about marine-world and sailors history. He was a genius about marine and left us a great legacy about this topic. If you wanna more information about him, you can visit wikipedia!

Alright, you can see there swords he was use, a lot of maps he was drawed, model ships, clothes was he weared and more. This museum inside a historical castle, it’s fascinating too. You feel  15th century when you enter and walking in this castle. I’ve a good news, entrance is free! Just you need to know working hours for visit. These are 08:30 to 12:00 for morning, 13:30 to 17:30 for afternoon. Don’t forget; it’s closed Monday and Thursday.

The castle have 2 floors. A big little water well welcomes you when you enter. You go upstairs from left after the enterance visit then little water well. Castle has narrow and tiring stairs! Up floor has already materials about Piri Reis. Don’t forget to take some photos too! J

 After visit to museum and castle, i suggest you to visit little, sincere bazaar Street. You should to see even if you don’t want to buy anything. You’ll feel to missing old, historical sincere atmosphere in there. Believe me, you never regret for visit! J

After this Street, you can visit to Süleyman Pasha Mosque and shrine. It’s also close to bazaar Street. Just you need to go more up. This mosque also important legacy from Ottoman Empire! It was built 1385. It was restore 3 times. If you wonder about religional buildings, you can excatly visit there!

Well dear friends! You visited some places, are you feel hungry? Yeah, i tought so too. J Time to eat! You find a lot restaurants and foods in there but if you wanna ask me what can you eat, i can say to you fish sandwich! Yeah, Gallipoli is really famous about sardine fish. Most tasty and fresh sardine fish caught from there and distributed every Gallipoli peninsula towns and Çanakkale province. That’s why, in this fish time you can find always this fish all of restaurants as fresh and tasty. Fish restaurants are located around of the fishing port.

Alright, you ate fish sandwich and feel full! Now you’re in a good mood. What you need to do now? Of course you’ve to burn what you eat, right? Yeah, let’s some walk of Gallipoli coast cordon! It’s located right of the ending fishing port. How much we talked about fishing port, realized it? I think Gallipoli center consist around of the fishing port! J

But guys, i recommend to you, you can taste peynir helvası from Çanakkale province famous dessert. Exactly translate english, we call cheese dessert. I know it sounds weird but trust me, it’s so tasty! If you wanna taste, you can go to Tarihi Zafer Peynir Helvacısı dessert shop. It’s mean; historical Zafer cheese desserter. This shop 70 years old and their chef is really master of this job. My wife an Ecuadorian, she was love it too. And also you can find fresh and reaaaly tasty Turkish yogurt in this shop too. Definitely taste these, i think!

Right now you’re walking in the Gallipoli coast cordon. It’s a long cordon, only go and come back end of there it’s enough for you. You can sit some coastal cafes and drink tea, coffee or cold drinks while you watching sea! It will make you peaceful and forget your tired of the day because of visited a lot of places. But becareful, don’t sleep there! J

Alright dear friends! End of the blog but don’t worry! There are many more places to explore, i gonna share my other articles. Take care and stay healthy until this duration! You can text me for your every question by my mail! Good bye, guys! J


Greetings from ertugishere



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