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About Me

I'am a traveler and camper. Also i'm a musician and an author too. I discovered 90% of Turkey with my big backpack! I saw a lot of places, tasted many of foods and drinks, live experienced too much things about life. I wrote all of my experiences in my little, grey covered notebook. That's why, i wanted to share all of my experiences with you and decided open this blog!

Dear friends, i enjoyed too much about my camping places, swimming, discovered new places, tasted a lot of dishes and drinks and my trips. I tried hitchhiking many of times and met new faces and characters i wanted. I did it! Really i did it and i never be regret to these. I wanna say you this; never be regret! Just try, get experience and never be regret. Your life is yours, never forget this!

You'll find many of places for visit, travel and camping on my blogger. Republic of Turkey is rich of summer-winter tourism, religious and historical background, uncountable civilazitions hosted, ancient cities and more! I mean, whatever you need, Turkey is answer you about your needs. 7 regions of Turkey will meet all of requests with cultures, people's behaviours, hospitality and friendly as well!

And also you'll find a lot of unique recipes on my blogs too! You know, Turkish cuisine and food culture is really big, deep and wide. In this reason,i show you their famous foods and drinks about regions, i'm sharing traditional dishes too about Turkish cuisine of my travel experiences. After read my articles, you'll be already learned to cook and prepare a lot of Turkish traditional dishes, appetizers, snacks, salads and more!

Dear friends, here i am with my articles, experiences and recommends. I'm sure to my blogs will be helpful to you. I'll be always here when you want a discover new places, learn a new dishes or drinks, travel to different lands or whatever you need. 'ertugishere' is always with you with original, peace and goodness. Let's learn and discover together! Nice blogs, dear friends!

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