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My Hometown: Kilitbahir


           Hi all, again! I’m going to talking about my hometown village in this article. I hope, end of the this article you will want to visit here. Someone always wonder some villages and small towns. I’m one of these people. J That’s why, i always interest and admire little, cute villages and small towns. Did you interest this topic? If your answer is ‘yes’, follow me! Here we go.

My name is Ertuğ, i’m from western of Turkey; Çanakkale city. Actually not, my hometown is Kilitbahir village. It’s connected to Çanakkale city. So, actually i’m a European. Because my hometown is located Europe side in Çanakkale. Yeah, cross of the sea, other part. If you know Istanbul, you can get it more easy this. You know, Istanbul is connecting Asia and Europe sides with bridges.  Anyway, let’s turn back to our subject; yeah, Çanakkale located 2 continents too. These are Asia and Europe. That’s why i can say i’m from European. Because i living Europe side of Çanakkale. J

Alright guys, i wanna talking about myself a little bit. I’m 29 years old. I’m an author, article writer, musician, traveller and camper. I love to go first interesting places, camp and then share my experiences on my articles. These insteresting places are mountains, secret lakes, coasts and sometimes beaches. Sometimes my moods determine to go where. A simple example; if i feel tired and wanna peaceful and silent, i’m go to a coast or a beach. Wave sounds make me so relax. Or i wanna clean air and bird voices, i can go to mountain. Like these. Unfortunately this covid pandemic bloked a lot of things. You know, all together closed ourselfs in our houses and couldn’t go anywhere! But now is better, at least we can go outside J

Well, let’s start to talk about my hometown; Kilitbahir. Exact location is Gallipoli peninsula. Gallipoli peninsula is Europe side of Çanakkale city. So, if you want to visit my hometown you can follow Europe side from İstanbul. You will come to Gallipoli peninsula first and then 50 km away from there and you will come here. So easy right? J Let’s go on!

Kilitbahir is really silent village. Especially in winter times! Except working hours, you can’t see a lot of people in the Street. Winters are passing very windy and cold in here. Also a lot of village people are go to Çanakkale for living. Because we’re still light a stove in here for warm. Hellespont –bosphorus of Çanakkale- windies are really cold and we are feeling more in here because this village not big and houses are rarely. That’s why the houses can’t stop to winds. But Çanakkale is absolutely bigger then Kilitbahir and a lot of places of Çanakkale -except coastal- doesn’t feel to winds too much. Despite everything; me and my wife happy and satisfied a lot for living here! J

Please imagine; fire sounds of stove and whistle sounds coming from window in the a room of house. Feeling really winter! You’re sipping your tea or hot wine, such a good things, right? Yeah, in here these things are still possible and we can doing these things in our house. Not too much options for doing activities in winter times in Kilitbahir. You can hiking, cutting woods for stove and go to Çanakkale or Eceabat -5 km away from Kilirbahir, a district of Çanakkale and it’s located Gallipoli penunsula too- for shopping. Because sometimes, in adverse weather conditions ferries are doesn’t work. Also, if weather is snowing doesn’t work busses too. That’s why; you can’t go to Çanakkale and Eceabat. You need to save food in your house for these times.

Kilitbahir have 2 little markets, –these are expensive for other cheap markets, that’s why people prefer to go Çanakkale or Eceabat- 1 little bakery, –for bread and some petties- 3 historical mosques, 2 beaches and a lot of historical war places. 1 big casttle, 1 little casstle, a lot of war walls and secret war fronts. So, you can visit every war places and feeling history until deep if you interesting to history. It will be good experience for you. J

Summer times in Kilitbahir become perfect! Summer housekeepers come, streets come alive, briefly Kilitbahir becomes lively and chirping. I suggest you visit here in summer times because you can do a lot of activities. You can go to swimming and drink cold beers  at the beaches. You can hiking in Kilitbahir’s clear air mountain, sit in some tea cafeterias and drink your tea against Çanakkale view…

I wanted to talking about what i do in summer times in here but i was living in Russia for 2 years. That’s why i can’t talk about this but don’t worry. I can explain as generally done. Especially i was hiking in the morning between afternoon. I was swimming minimum 1 hour, sometimes i was drinking cold beers in the beach and my balcony. My indespensable activity was collect mussles in the sea. Still i’m doing it. Mussles from rocks under the sea! You need sea goggles, a snorkel and diving fins for doing this. In general you need to dive 6 between 10 meters. These mussles will be more tasty and clean. It’s a clue for you, use it! J

Finally, Kilitbahir is really rich for a lot of things. Firstly and most important one is geography! We have clean sea, fresh air and perfect mountains. Tasty fishes and sea products from the sea, various fruit, olive trees, healty herbs and vegetables from fertil soils, old-historical buildings, roads and houses. Perfect sea and hellespont views; i’m asking you, who wants more? That’s why you must to visit my hometown i think! J Believe me you’ll never regret.

Alright guys, we came end of this article. Please forgive me if i fault for some Words or sentences. I hope you like it. I wish you a good time for your life. See you to next articles! Stay reading and stay healty. See you!

                                                                                                       Greetings from ertugishere...

My mail: ertertgungor@gmail.com
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