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A Unique Salad Recipe with a Bonus: Red Cabbage!

          Hello, dear friends! How are you? Here i am again with a salad for you on this blog. It will be ligthen and perfect taste your meat dishes. Do you know red cabbage? Well, we use that vegetable and configurate it a little bit for maximum taste! 😊 Believe me, you'll always want to make this. Let's go to kitchen!

           Dear friends, you know we're Turks and we consume meat too much. Kebaps, chicken dishes, sea products, fishes and more. Only meat dishes are really heavy and given some stomach problems after eat. That's why, we consume many of salads while eat meat dishes. You can find a looot of salads in Turkey like meat dishes. Red cabbage salad is one of these. It will be tasty and healthy because of ingredients. Let's examine it.

            You can eat red cabbage after cut but it will be tasteless and dry for you. In this reason, we need to add some ingredients and transform it taste bomb, dear friends!😊 We need to salt, vinegar (grape vinegar) and a lemon. That's it! Looks so easy right? Yeah, it will be really easy and i'll show you every process with pics! 😊 Please forgive me, i didn't find middle size of red cabbage in this season. I'll show you with my little red cabbage but don't worry, every process will be same. 😊

             If you have these ingredients, you can pass to kitchen. But if you haven't, you need to go a market i'm sorry. 😊 Did you come back from the market? Alright, let's prepare it!

             Dear friends, first we need to do, cutting red cabbages. A middle size red cabbage will be ideal for you. If you lonely or just 1 person with you, half of middle size or a little size red cabbage will be enough for you too. Well, i'll talk about a middle size one with my little cabbage. We wash it as very well first, take a few of their first leafs and pass to the other procedures.

             We cut it vertically in the middle. I mean, it will be looks under of stem part. After cut vertically, we need to take stem part, it looks white and wide. Then we continue to cut our red cabbage as so thin. 

              Dear friends, we finished to cutting process. Now we need to take our thin red cabbages a big pot and add salt over it. After add salt, we never touch again. Only wait 10 minutes for soften our red cabbages. You can prepare yourself a coffee or tea in this duration.😊

               After wait 10 minutes, we need to rub our vegetables with salt. It's a key point for taste! The finer you rub, it will be tastier. You need to rub until feel it soft in your hand. In this case, it's so normal to change it color. So, don't worry about it!😊

               Alright, dear friends. Almost finish! Now you can cut to lemon in half and squeeze it water with a material. The reason of use a material, lemon seeds are don't fall in your salad. Right now we're adding to lemon juice on our salad and mixing as very well with a spoon or fork. Look at this color, guys! Such a looks it tasty right? But wait, it will be more tasty while eating it! 😊


               If you think only one recipe, you're wrong dear friends! You can't get rid of me easily, sorry. 😊 Now i'll share with you a garniture-pickle we will prepare of our red cabbage. I talked about vinegar, remember? Yeah, that grape vinegar will work for us here. 

               Cut process and salting is same dear friends, we just prepare a sauce for our cabbages. We need to put jar our cutted cabbages first. Press down firmly is important while put. After our jars as full, we prepare inside of a 200ml glass half of vinegar and half of drinkable water until our jars full of this sauce.

                Then closed to cover of jars, make them rest 3-4 days in your fridge or a cold-dark place. That's it, end of 3-4 days, you can eat your tasty red cabbages! Always i say, if you wanna ask some questions for me👇


             Don't forget to visit and take a look my every articles! My blogspot👇


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                                                                                                               greetings from ertugishere



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