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My 10 Secret Places in Summer for Travel!


                 Hi everybody! How are you today? I hope everything is alright. Ok, we’re in May you know. I mean, weather is warming and we’re feeling warm too. We starting to plan of our spring, summer times, right? Yeah, here i am again with a new, hot travel blog! J Let’s take a look about which travels we can do all toghether!

Guys, you know i talked about Turkey until this article for travel. Again i’m gonna talk about Turkey in this blog too because summer-spring times in Turkey is perfect time for travel. You can do whatever you want in Turkey and you can enjoy to your trip and holiday and also your honeymoon. That’s why, if you have a free time in your job, exactly think about Turkey in your plans.

Well, i’m gonna mention that spring-summer times travel in Turkey! Especially which cities, districts, towns and also village about spring-summer times. You can forget whatever you know about these times travel in Turkey because we will exit-out known places in this blog. You can be sure that, many of foreign people doesn’t recognize that places. Alright, let’s start! J

1. Hamzakoy beach: It’s located Gallipoli’ in Gallipoli peninsula/ Çanakkale. There is ultra-thin sand, cleeeaannn sea, awesome urchin waves in the night and perfect swimming experience. It’s connected Gallipoli ministration and completely free! You can advantage for shower, umbrellas and life-guard as free too. Working hours 10:00 am to 16:00 pm everyday. Definitely visit there, i think! J Here are photos:

2. Güneyli village and their beaches: It’s a village connected in Gallipoli. There is many of beaches-bays in this village. I recommend to visit Güneyli and Fatma Kadın beaches. Also you visit other bays and beaches, you can decide. You’ll think and feel taste a little piece of heaven when you arrived there. Soft sand and clean sea. Perfect swimming experience too. Take a look these photos: J

3. Kabatepe beach: It’s located Gallipoli peninsula too, Aegean sea side. Exact town name is Kocadere, around of Anzac cove. There is also long beach and clean sea. But there short of some materials. For example, if you wanna go there, you need to bring your umbrella and chairs. I recommend to prepare your sandwichs and drinks too. J That’s of all, it’s worth it to visit there and swimming. You want photos? Here you go sir:

4. Kömür Limanı beach: It’s mean coal-port beach and located to Gallipoli. This beach 20-22 km away from city centre. You’ll find a virgin beach when you arrived there because there is no construction around that beach. You can camping there too. Especially i suggest you dive with free diving. If you want to peaceful and feel to nature, you can exactly visit there! Photos for you:

5. Değirmendüzü bay-beach: Do you like camp or camping is your life sytle? This beach is just for you! You can earn new many of friends thinking like you while camping. It’s a virgin and nature interwined place too but you can use cabins if you want and restrooms. Their sea is stony and a little bit cold than other beaches. For me, it worth it to see and visit! It’s located to Gallipoli too. J Photos:

6. Gökçeada island/ Aydıncık beach: We’re changing to our route and go to Gökçeada island. This beach is 1200 meters. Especially if you like to surfing or wanna learn to wind surfing, this beach will be perfect for you! Sea is so clear and sand is soft and thin too. It’s 10 km away to island city centre. Photos for you:

7. Gökçeada island/ Gizli Liman: It’s mean secret port and it’s really secret like their name. Loooong beach welcomes to you when you arrived there! Westernmost point of this island is here. It’s connected to Uğurlu village and it’s just about 25 km away from island city centre. You need to visit here, look at these pictures:

8. Gökçeada island/ Yıldızkoy: Sooo much fun to diving free! Under water is fascinating, you can watch to fishes and all of to under sea beauties. But here is located to North point of the island so, a lot of time to much windy. Don’t worry, if you visit here in summer times, you’ll never cold. Enjoy it! J Here you go pictures, madam:

9. Papaz beach: We’re turning to Çanakkale again! Right now we’re in Asian side of Çanakkale. This beach mean priest, i dunno why! Alright, it’s located Ezine district of Çanakkale and it’s 52 km away from Çanakkale city centre. Priest welcomes to you with a long beach, soft sand turquoise sea! It’s possible to see other 2 islands connected to Çanakkale too from this point. There is fit to sea, plane trees and avaible to picnic places. For example, you can make a picnic first and then you can go to swimming. It’s a clue for you! J Look at the Picture:

10. Kum Adası: It’s mean sand island and it’s located Çardak village/ Lapseki district of Çanakkale. There is interesting story, especially those with rheumatism visit here in every August of the year. Sands are believed to be healing. On the other hand, here is awesome about sea and beach. View is perfect too. You need to visit here i think. J Take a look at these pictures:

Alright my dear friends, i hope you like it! I’m gonna continue to write about these places. Make your plan and buy a ticket! J You can text me always with your every questions by my mail. See you to next blogs, stay healty guys! Good bye.


Greetings from ertugishere…


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