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Basic Turkish Words for your Travel to Turkey!


                    Hi guys! How are you? I gonna try something advantage for you in this article. Are you curious for this? Yeah, i’m explaining! I gonna teach you basic Turkish words and sentences for your Turkey travel. End of this article you’ll have learned a lot of things about Turkish. I wanna remember this; Turkish is pronounced as it’s written. Just you can attention these letters for read:

Ş: sh

Ç: ch

  Ok, please prepare your notebooks and pens, here we go! J

Well guys, firstly you need to greet with someone. Say hello, how are you or how much is it or like these, right? Don’t worry, these things will be so easy for you. Let’s start:

Hello! We can say a few way to say hello like you. But if you want to learn exactly Word for hello, we say ‘merhaba’ or ‘selam’ So;

Hello – Merhaba/Selam. ‘Merhaba’ is more famous to say hi. But, if you want to say hi other ways, you can say like this:

İyi günler – have a good day.

Günaydın – good morning.

Tünaydın/iyi günler – good afternoon.

İyi akşamlar pronounce *iyi akshamlar* - good evening.

İyi geceler – good night.

Or if you want to buy something whichever shop, you can say ‘kolay gelsin’. This sentence it mean like God give you power for work. Unfortunately we can’t perfrect translate to english but we say most of the time this sentence. Doesn’t matter to say entrance or exit to shops, you can say both ways. This sentence will you make a like cool Turkish. J

Well, now you know how greetings with Turks! Next talk about your needs. For example, you need to go somewhere. How can you do that? I’m explaining, follow me!

You can ask them how are you before talk about where you need to go! This is make them happy and feel good. Turks really love this! In this situation, they can help you better. Politeness always win! J So, follow this dialog!

You: Merhaba!

He/she: Merhaba!

You: Nasılsınız?

He/she: İyiyim, siz nasılsınız?

You: Ben de iyiyim, teşekkür ederim!

Alright guys, realized this? You were talk about how feel with a person. We’re saying like this in Turkish. Let’s learn these words:

Nasılsın? : How are you?

Nasılsınız? : How are you also but formal and polite way. You can say this Word, if you talk with a stranger or 2 and more people.

İyiyim : I’m good.

Siz nasılsınız? : and how are you? ‘Siz’ mean you but also polite and formal way. If you talk about this way, you need to add ‘ız/iz’ ending Word.

Ben de iyiyim, teşekkür ederim : I’m good too, thank you!

Now we can turn to our subject. Where you need to go? Let’s take a look at this dialog:

You: Size bir şey sormak istiyorum! (i wanna ask a question to you)

He/she: Buyurun? (come in)

You: ...’a/e nasıl gidebilirim? (How can i go to’…)

He/she: Bu yolu takip edin, 200 metre sonra sağda. (Follow this road, on the right after 200 meters)

You: Teşekkür ederim! (Thank you)

He/she: Rica ederim, iyi günler! (Your welcome, have a good day)

Here you go! It was easy right? Now, also you know how you need to go somewhere in Turkey. J Well, now have learned the basic dialogs you can use before asking your needs. I gonna give you more Words for you, you’ll find whatever you want! Firstly, we can start basic question words. Alright, follow these:

Ne? : What?

Bu nedir? What is this? For example, while you buying something or when pointing to a place.

Nasıl? : How?

Nasıl satın alabilirim? How can i buy?

Nerede? : Where?

Eczane nerede? Where is the pharmacy?

Kim? : Who?

Kime sorabilirim? Who can i ask?

Ne kadar? : How much?

Su ne kadar? : How much is water?

Ne kadar yolumuz var? : How far do we have?

Kaç tane? : How many?

Bunlardan kaç tane daha var? : How many more of these?

Ne zaman? : When?

Rehber ne zaman gelecek? : When will the guide come?

Neden? : Why?

Bunu neden satın almalıyım? : Why should i buy this?

Hangi/Hangisi? : Which/which one?

Hangi yoldan gitmeliyim? : Which way should i go?

Hangisi daha iyi? : Which one is better for me?

Well, i hope you got it clearly. J Now, let’s take a look at these:

Affedersiniz: Excuse me. You can use this Word if you need to hurry for your situation, in this way you can ask a question quickly. For example:

Affedersiniz, havalimanına nasıl gidebilirim acaba? : Excuse me, how can i go to airport?

Üzgünüm. : I’m sorry.

Üzgünüm, çok az Türkçe konuşabiliyorum. : I’m sorry, i can speak a little bit Turkish.

Alabilir miyim? : Can i take? -Pronounce is ‘alabilirmiyim’- We’re using this Word a lot of time! You can use this Word for everything. For example:

Kahveme biraz süt alabilir miyim? Can i take some milk to my coffee?

Bir tane ekmek alabilir miyim? Can i buy a bread?

Peçete alabilir miyim? Can i have a napkin? For example, when you in a restaurant.

Biraz daha portakal suyu alabilir miyim? Can i get some more orange juice?

Verir misin/ verir misiniz? : Can you give me? –pronounce is ‘verirmisin/verirmisiniz’ too.- We’re using this Word a lot too! You can use this Word too much also. Example:

Biraz fıstık verir misiniz? : Can you give me some peanuts? ‘Verir misiniz’ formal Turkish and polite way.

Bana elma verir misin? : Can you give me apple? ‘Verir misin’ informal Turkish.

Kartını verir misiniz? : Can you give me your business card?

Alright dear friends! That’s all for now. I hope these informations it will be useful for you. If you have some questions, you can text me by my e-mail. Take care and stay healthy! Good bye.


Greetings from ertugishere

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