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A Delicious Turkish Street Food: Kumpir!

             Hello guys! How are you? I hope you feel good, like me. J I gonna share a different, easy and awesome tasty recipe in this blog! You can prepare this in your house as easily. So, this blog gonna about a recipe! I recommend, not to miss this recipe if you don’t wanna regret! Are you ready? Alright, follow me!

Guys, the food i’ll share will be a Turkish dish. You can find this food in İstanbul streets too much. Doesnt’t matter in winter or summer times. The sellers always prepare this food. You know, Turkey is a really rich country about cuisine and Street foods. A lot of people say Street foods are great who visit of Turkey. If you haven’t a time yet about visit to Turkey now, this recipe perfect for you! J

Well, do you like potato? For example, you can eat everytime french fries (chips) when you see this? Or mmm, mashed potato near with your meat dishes? Or maybe as garniture? Yeah, all of us can eat potato in every situation right? Alright, now you can forget every your know types of potatoes! We will start a revolution in potato. We will make ‘kumpir’. You can prepare your note paper for hanging of your fridge. And also don’t forget to open your oven! J Here we go!

Alright guys, we need to a big potato, a little butter and some of mozzarella cheese –we use kaşar cheese in Turkey, a kind of Turkish mozzarella- for basic foods prepare in this dish. We need some ingredients for mixed inside this dish too. Don’t worry, after i gonna share these in this article! Ok, let’s take a look basic foods with measures:

1 big potato

2 spoons of butter

1 water glass (200 ml) of grated mozzarella cheese

*This food for 1 person*

Did you see? Looks so easy like prepare a coffee, right? J Well, i talked about ingredients for mixing inside in this food, remember? I’ll share these now, let’s examine:

100 ml canned corn

100 ml olives without seed

5 middle size of pickled cucumber




Black pepper

*You can use a 200 ml water glass as measure for ingredients*

And also this ingredients are making an original kumpir. You can shape your kumpir whatever you like! For example; boiled sausages inside of the tomato paste souce or souces of you like, boiled little cut carrot and peas, boiled Mexican bean, American or Russian salad and etc. You can also add spices of you like, chili pepper powder, garlic and more!

Dear friends, as we recognized to ingredients we can pass to preparing! Firstly we are starting about wash to potato. It’s really important step of our dish. We need to wash our potato as very well. If you have a don’t use tooth brush, you can use it for washing your potato.

We put a oven tray our washed potato and give to 200°C before warmed oven. If you didn’t warm your oven, quickly do it and wait to warm. We can cut to pickles in this duration. Because potato will cook minumum 45 minutes - 1 hour in the oven!

You can cut to pickles type of whatever you want provided there’re little pieces. That’s it! J Now you can prepare to canned corns, olives and grate to your mozzarella cheese. After 45 minutes, you can start to check your potato cooked or not. You can understand this by pressing a fork into the middle of your potato. If your fork goes easily, it mean your potato is cooked!

Guys, we take a plate our cooked potato. Split it on the middle and open with our hands without waiting for it to cool. Then a little mixing with a spoon inside of our potato. After potato mixing inside and get to a little mashed, we add to butter and grated cheese. Now we mixing as very well with a spoon. Butter and cheese are need to melted. Also we add to salt and black pepper –whatever you like- in this duration. Well, after melted butter and cheese, your basic of kumpir is ready!

After you can add other ingredients as you wish in your kumpir! Finally put ketchup and mayonnaise and BOOM! Your kumpir is ready! Enjoy it guys and be careful for don’t eat your potato’s skin! J Here it is, good alternative potato dish for you. You can prepare for you and your friends while watching movies, while drink beers, when you want to eat different tasty foods and more! J

Dear friends, see you to next articles! I’ll continue to share travel and food blogs more. You can write me always by my mail of your every questions. Take care and stay healhty! Good bye.


Greetings from ertugishere


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