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Memories of an Appetizer on the Island!


             Hi guys! How is it going? My name is Ertuğ and i wanna to talk about an appetizer in this article for you! You must know me if you ever readed some of my articles. But it’s OK if you don’t. First i can mention to myself a little bit! J

I’m writing to you in Çanakkale city, Turkey. Çanakkale is located western of Turkey. Anyway, i’m an author, article writer, musician, traveller and camper. I’m writing articles now to my experiences from my travels and camping. Frankly, i found this article topic from my island trip and camp. Well, you recognize me a little bit right now! J We can start, right? Let’s go!

4 years ago, in one of summer times i was travelling in an island connected from Çanakkale city. That island name is Gökçeada. If you ever readed my other articles, you must know there. Anyway, i discovered a Greek tavern in that island. Sometimes i was camping a village and i was seeing that tavern while i was going to that village with bus. It had awesome tavern sign. One girl was dancing in tavern sign and some good words was writing encourage for visit. I was always wonder that tavern and finally i was there, in front of that awesome sign.

That tavern is located in Tepeköy. Tepeköy is a Greek village. Old Greek name is Agridia. Rum (old Greek people) people are calling that village name as Agridia between each others. Meanwhile in Gökçeada people are living together each other -Turks and Rums- with their cultures. That’s why in that island have mixing of 2 different cultures and life styles but in the good direction. J If you visit there; you can trip Rum and Turk villages, you can taste delicious foods, fresh fishes and sea products and more. Anyway, let’s turn back to our subject! J

I was follow to directions of tavern address and i finally came. I entered from the door and i saw no one inside as costumers. A guy that looks end of middle age, was cleaning the tavern. He looked at me, looks so surprised. Suddenly smiled and said ‘wellcome’ with his funny-cute Turkish Accent. Rums speak Turkish with really funny and cute for me always. He was mention about ‘tavern is close now, it will be open at 21:00’. I told him i didn’t come for tavern night, just i wanted to wonder of here.

His looks was more surprise now, leaved mop of his hand and showed me a table for sitting. I was sitting that table while i said thank you. We were talking about myself a little bit and he said me wait. I was mention about who i am to him. I talked about of my articles, travel, camp, like to learn different cultures and life styles, foods, drinks etc.

A few minutes later he was come back to my table with a –salat- in his hand. He leaved his plate at the table. Showed me his first finger like say -1 minute- and leaved from the table again while i was looking to plate. There was tomatoes as cutted cubes, cheese cutted like this too, black cumin, thyme and olive oil of course in this plate. After i realized there was thyme also when i was smell to plate. Now he came back to one of alcohol drink with his hand. It was rakı. Rakı is Turkish national alcohol drink. It’s also so famous for Rum people. Rums drink that alcohol like Turks. Anyway, i was so, so happy!

I was so happy for his hospitality first, after i was so happy for food and drink and his funny-cute Turkish Accent. J Honestly, i was hungry because i walked at least 10-15 km under the afternoon sun. It was like a reborn. I was going to eat his salat and i was going to drink his rakı. It wasn’t a reborn? You say. J

Anyway guys, I ate his salad and i drank his rakı while we were talking about his tavern. After eat he asked me what i tought. He was asking me about taste of salat and rakı. I told him everything was perfect. Especially i stated of his hospitality and smily face. I was so satisfied.

He hold me ‘it’s my special salat-apetizier’ when i asked him that dish. He mentioned about that dish is free for a lot of times for customers. So, it wasn’t any name. I didn’t like to goat cheese until that date. He make me used to eat, i can say. I supposed that cheese from cow but he told me it’s goat. They were making goat cheese with traditional way, it’s so long process and care. How they save to goat chese, you know? They dig the soil and save cheese inside! You need to wait really looong time for the formation of chese. It will be more tasty how long to you wait. Patience, mastery and experiances! Finally you can eat your cheese with delicious when all gathered. J

Organic foods are always healty and tasty he said. We’re eating everything and cook as traditional way. I talked about him to such a luck! You’re so lucky, man! You have such a great village, air, goats and foods. Now i get it why you don’t want to go Greece. J

After 2-3 hours later i leaved from his tavern as very, very satisfied! He didn’t take to my foods price and also insisted a lot for staying at night in tavern. I can’t explain such a insisted, believe me! ‘Maybe next time’ i said. I thanked him and starting to walk for my camp area as grateful.

Yeah, it was like this guys! But, i’ve a bad news. I searched in the internet his tavern while writing to this article but i didn’t find anything! I think it is closed. L Later i remember something. Some Rums like him, if someone dies of their family, they never again continue for the work. Youths doesn’t choose like these jobs. I don’t know but, like this. I hope he still alive and healty. Yeah, guys! Please don’t worry because that village still have taverns. But i suggest you to visit in summer times! In winter times all of this island have really strong winds and cold air. That’s why everything is closed in winter times.

 We came end again one of other my article too guys. Please forgive me if i fault some words or sentences. I hope you understood and like it. See you to next articles! Take care; stay reading and stay healty!

Greetings from ertugishere…


My Mail: ertertgungor@gmail.com

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