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Let's Cook an Easy and Tasty Pizza With 'ertugishere' Style!


                Hello everyone! How are you? I hope everything is great. Well, here i am again an easy and tasty recipe in this article. Follow me if you hungry!

I wanna saying this; you can forget all of famous brands! Maybe you’ll never more order for your home after this recipe! Why not? I hope, i don’t get copyright for this recipe. A lot of famous brands can start a big war with me! J Also it’s the same with you if you try this recipe at your house!

We gonna prepare a pizza. But it won’t an Italian, it will be a Turkish pizza. Actually neither, it will be a ertugishere style pizza! A lot of years ago guys, i found this recipe myself. It’s reaaaaly easy and sooooo tasty, believe me. And also minumum harmful for us than well known and famous brands. Because it’s a home made pizza! Alright, don’t extend more and let’s take a look ingredients. J

 Firstly, we need to flour, yeast, olive oil, salt, sugar and warm water for our pizza’s dough. It’s warm water guys, not boiled water. It’s a clue. Also we need to tomato paste, olive oil, thyme, paprica powder, chili powder, black pepper, garlic powder, garlic, salt, dried mint leafs and a little bir warm water for pizza souce. And then, i’ll share my favorite ingredients on our pizza. These ingredients will be my favorites, you can add or remove some ingredients whatever you want! J

Alright guys, now we examine ingredients with measurements for dough:

400 ml ( 200 ml x2 water glass) flour

1 pack of dry yeast (from yeast mixing directly into flour)

6 ml olive oil

1 dessert spoon salt

1 dessert spoon granulated sugar

250 ml warm water (water measure can change for flour type)

For our pizza souce:

1 and half spoon of tomato paste

5 dessert spoon olive oil

2 dessert spoon tyhme

1 dessert spoon paprica powder

1 dessert spoon chili powder (optionally, if you like spicy)

1 dessert spoon garlic powder

1clove of crushed garlic

1 dessert spoon dried mint leaf (you can’t add if you haven’t, doesn’t matter)

1 dessert spoon black pepper

200 ml warm water

Ingredients for on our pizza: (For my favorites, you can add or remove from my ingredients)


Several types of Salami (whatever you like)

Thinly sliced green pepper

Thinly sliced red pepper

Thinly sliced mushroom

A little thinly sliced tomato (do not use a lot because it gonna watery of your pizza)

Half of thinly sliced purple onion

Olives without seed

Can of corn

2 pinches of thyme

2 spoon olive oil

Grated mozzarella cheese

Alright dear friends, don’t be intimidated by the ingredients. It’s quite simple to make. Now we can pass preparing to dough. Firstly, we can add all of flour a big mixing cup and opening to the middle of flour. So, it’s gonna look a volcano. Then we’ll add salt and sugar on the flour. Mixing cup’s middle still be empty, right? Yeah, we can add to dry yeast middle of the mixing cup. And then we add to water slowly on the yeast and add to olive oil on the flour again and start to mixing all of ingredients. Water adding is really important of your dough! That’s why you need to add water slowly until dough collected.

When you’re finished kneading, you need to obtain a dough that doesn’t stick to the hand and it has the consistency of an earlobe. If not, should add flour and water again and bring it to that state.

When your dough is ready, you need to close of your dough cup and rest it minimum 1 hour for fermentation. In this duration, we can prepare to our pizza souce and cut to other ingredients. Time is cash, you know? J

We’re adding our tomato paste a middle size of mixing cup and then adding olive oil and all of spices. We’re mixing as well and finally adding warm water again slowly. A little warm water and mixing well! Again and again. End of the making we obtain between half liquid and half dry souce. You can finish to make if you see that state. Now, you can cut to ingredients and everything will be ready!

Alright guys, you rested your dough minumum 1 hour? It looks double size right? Yeah, you’re on the righ track and going very well! J Don’t forget to open your oven now. It will be 180 centigrade. I think it will be 356 as fahrenheit, i’m not sure, sorry! Let’s take a middle size baking tray and grease the bottom. If you greased all of bottom, you can sprinkle some flour. It will be block your dough sticky bottom of the tray. Now take your dough from mixing cup and start shaping. Spread your dough on the tray by opening it with both hand palms and fingers. C’mon guys, like a Italian chef! But be careful! Don’t tear your dough in this duration. J

Yeah, now we need to add our pizza souce on the dough. But don’t directly add please! First you need to help of a fork. Weird, right? Actually no, it will help you for your dough. Poke holes all over your dough with your fork. In this way, your souce will reach each holes of dough and make your dough more soft and tasty.

Spread your ertugishere souce on the dough with the help of a spoon. Next you need to add your ingredients, 2 pinches tyhme, olive oil and BOM! Put them in the oven, don’t make them cold. Now let them for roast, when you see them roasted, take from the oven. Put your grated mozzarellas on your ertugishere pizza as well and put in the oven again.

Yeah, i know! Now you’re so hungry and your pizza smells great but you need to wait your grated mozzarella for melted, sorry. Hold on a little longer! Almost cooked! Alright, if your mozzarella melted, it’s ready for eat! Slice your ertugishere pizza and taste it. It was worth your wait? Yeah, i’m sure! It was realllly worth it. Enjoy it, guys! See you to next articles. Take care and stay healthy in this duration! You can text me for your every question by my mail, good bye! J


Greetings from ertugishere


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