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How Can We Prepare of Our Backpack for Spring-Summer Camping?


              Hi, guys! How do you feel? I’m great! Did you remember, i talked about how we prepare our backpack for camping in my last blog. And we examined winter times. Yeah, in this blog topic will be summer times. How we can prepare out backpack for summer camp? Let’s take a look! J

Alright dear friends, firstly i wanna say, summer camping is warm, sincere and fun too much. You can do more things with little budget. For example you can hiking more, visit more places and add your experiences too much. That’s why camping is really important thing for my life. Summer camping is mooorreee easy then winter camping, possible to comfortable trips and more easy to find you needs. Well, let’s examine a tent to what we need about it!

Actually guys, you can bring many of cheap and poor quality tents for your summer camping but i don’t suggest you to do that. Because if your camping area or place windy, these type of tents can tear more easy and doesn’t make you sleep in night as well because of the winds. And also don’t forget to this; if you have cheap tents, their tent stakes be poor quality too as automatically. In this reason your tent doesn’t grap to the ground as good and you live experiences some problems. Also rain is really big problem of your camping with cheap tents. It can absorb the rain easily and your clothes or goods will be wet. That’s why, you can bring on your side minimum for 2-3 season’s tents with average prices. J You can examine my tent:

This subject be about our mats. I recommend to you sponge mats as relaxly. Because these mats are so protable, doesn’t tear easily and doesn’t take up space too much. You only need to can carefully about this thing, it’s need to cut the cold coming from to the ground.

                                           ***A sponge mat same as mine***:

Next topic is about sleeping bag. You don’t need to so detailed sleeping bag, guys. Believe me, sometimes you don’t want to use your sleeping bag while you sleeping in your summer camps. Especially if your tents type of windproof. That’s why i suggest you, min. 5 degrees sleeping bag’s will be ideal for you. J

Alright dear friends, we learned about choosing our tent, mat and sleeping bag! Now we can pass to prepare our backpack for summer camping. First and most important thing is about your tent’s materials. Please don’t forget to control your tent stakes, poles, tension ropes and emergency aid kit. I mean, be sure everything is complete as numerically for example, 8 to 8 tent stakes, not 8 to 6. J

Guys, we need to bring our sides some materials too. If you’re gonna go to forest and wooded places, don’t forget to bring protable hatchet for cutting dry trees or woods. Please you never hurt and cut to living, green trees for our future! The reason of cutting woods about your camping fire of course. J Alright, other materials are; pocketknife, extra rope, extra lighters or matches, protable lamp for your tent inside or outside, a head-lamp for using nights, a compass, mosquito repellent sprey for your body, first aid kit and band aid, powerbank for your smart phones, suntan cream and like these things.

Clothes-choosing is another topic guys. Whatever you want, you can bring on your side but if you put a thick sweater or fleece of your backpack for just in case, it will be good for your advantage! J

Now, foods and drinks! Firstly dear friends, if you ask my opinion for summer camping about meal, i’ll always saying make a camping fire and cook your foods on the fire! But there is absolutely different options for you. For example, a gas stove. It can portable and economic but if you wanna bring this, you need to bring on your side some pans and pots too. I say think about this! J And also dear friends, please don’t forget to bring on your side a big garbage bag for your trashes after camping! You know, we must keep nature clean! J

Well, you can put your backpack cans-preserves as you like. These will be good snacks near your drinks. Never forget to take water! It looks so easy to bring but also it’s most forgetten thing! J And also bring your side plastic plates, fork, spoon and knife for your foods. Please do not forget to put cold beers to your backpacks for me. Cheers, dear friends!

For your every question guys, you know:


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