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What Can You Eat and Drink in East Regions of Turkey?


                  Have a good day to all, guys! I hope everything is alright. J Well, i talked about what can you eat and drink in Turkey my last blog, remember? It was about western region. I’ll mention that about eastern foods and drinks in this blog. I hope you still hungry! What are you waiting for? Approach to display and follow me! J

Dear friends, now we will examine between from middle Anatolia to eastern regions. We can start to middle Anatolia now. Generally in this region’s people call their foods are tava. It’ mean tray. Absolutely they’re never eat trays, it’s just a name. J They’re cooking meat and many of vegetables together in the tray. For example; ‘keskin tava’, ‘Ankara tava’ or ‘Niğde tava’.  Definitely they’ve a lot of famous dishes but we’re examine only favorite dishes who people like.

                                          ***ANKARA TAVA***

Another kind of food is dough and minced meat combination dishes. For example; mantı, çi börek or yağlama. Mantı is making raw minced meat with some spices inside of little squares dough. After boiling these then prepared. Serving is yogurt with garlic and tomato paste souce.

Çi börek is making inside you prepared flour, drinklable water and salt dought and raw minced meat, salt, black pepper and grated onion mixture. It’s shape looks a half-moon. And then cooking to deep-fries.

Yağlama is another dough-minced meat combination dish. First you need to make a dough from flour, salt and drinkable water. These shape looks circle. After you need to cook minced meat with onion, pepper, tomato, garlic and some spices on the pan. Then you need to prepare these foods for serving. One of circle dough and add minced meat mixture, one more and more. For serving that dish looks a lasagna but circle way. J If you want you can add yogurt with garlic souce on your dish.

Guys, middle Anatolia’s another famous dish is madımak. It’s a grass-plant! Yeah, you didn’t hear wrong, it’s a kind of grass. They’re cooking that as liquid way with onion, tomato paste, vegetable or olive oil and water and as roasted with egg. You can taste this dish too when you visit there! J

Well, drinks now! What can you drink in central Anatolia? Actually you can find many of drinks in there but Central Anatolia has 2 famous drinks. These are gilaburu and şehzade sorbets. Let’s examine them.

Gilaburu is a fruit-plant firstly. It grows especially Kayseri city and their around. It’s mixing and fermentation with barley and then add water and bottled. It’s help to falling your kidney stone and it has painkiller properties.

Another sorbet is şehzade. Şehzade mean prince. Yeah, that sorbet is coming from Ottoman empire. It’s make boiling almost 30 spices and fruits! People believe about beneficial of health. Do not forget to try these drinks too in there. J Also you can drink coke, fizzy drinks and ayran too in Central Anatolia.

Dear friends, now we can pass to Eastern foods and drinks. Especially meat and their fats and butter are soooo common there. There is serving and wrapped kebaps, kebaps cooking fire-wood, special kebap breads and many of salads too.

They’re prefer lamb-sheep meat more accorting to westerns. A loooot of animals cutting for eat in east. Their people are hospitality as very well. For example, if you have a friend of there and you wanna visit him/her, he/she cuts a sheep for your meal! J

Alright guys, let’s take a look their foods. For example kebaps; there is Adana kebap, Urfa kebap, büryan kebabı, tepsi kebabı, soğan kebabı, beyti, patlıcan kebabı and moooreee. Adana kebap is a kebap from Adana city. It’s made sheep-lamb meat and their fat, red pepper powder, and salt for long meatball. It has spicy or non-spicy. You can prefer to eat serving a plate with salad and special bread or wrapped. Urfa kebap also made for a long meatball from sheep-lamb meat and special spices for this kabap form. It’s serving a plate with salad and wraped too.

Soğan kebabı is mean onion kebap. You need to cut inside of onions without peel their skin. You can knead to for meatballs from sheep-lamb meat and private spices. And then fill to inside of onions from kneaded meatballs and cook to oven on the tray.

Patlıcan kebabı is mean aubergine (eggplant) kebap. You need to cut aubergines as 3-4 cm size. Also knead for meatballs sheep-lamb meat and their fat and private special spices for this kebap form. And then put on the tray one of aubergine and one of meatballs and again like this and cook in the oven.

Eastern people are prefer to drink many of famous drinks. For example; if they wanna drink something while eating kebaps, they’re prefer to drink şalgam or ayran. Actually şalgam from mediterrean drink but mediterrean and east people like to this drink while eating kebaps. Şalgam is a plant from crucifereous family. You can drink şalgam with spicy souce or without spicy souce.

Also another mediterrean drink is atom. It’s made cold milk with mixed fruits. Especially summer times this drink so famous but be careful to drink! Because it has high calories!

Other eastern famous drinks are; mırra coffee, menengiç coffee, dibek coffee and purple basil sorbet and tea. You can drink these drinks while enjoying times and after your meals.

                    ***MIRRA COFFEE***

               ***PURPLE BASIL SORBET***

Alright dear friends, i’m gonna continue to share my other experiences and travel adventures. See you to next artcles! You can always ask me for your every questions by my mail. Take care and stay healty! Good bye.


Greetings from ertugishere…



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