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General information about the history of Turkey!


Hey everyone. I’m from Turkey and i live in Russia. I'll share information about history of Turkey in this article. This subject is quite deepest and longest. I must to warn you about Turkey shouldn’t be confused with the history of Turkish history! Because history of Turkey absolulitely different to TURKISH history. That’s why difficult it’s talking about all things. I will give information about general important history of Turkey. Are you ready? Let’s begin!

First of all, briefly i want to talking about history of Turks. The list of the states are as follows:

- Big Hun Empire,West Hun Empire, European Hun Empire, White-Hun Empire, Göktürk Khanete, Avar Khanete, Hazar (Caspian) Khanete, Uygur (Uyghur) Khanete, Karahanlı State, Gazne State, Great Seljuk State, Harzemşahlar (Harzemshah) State, Golden Horde (Tatar-Turk) State, Timur State, Babür (Mughal) Empire, Osmanlı (Ottoman) Empire and Republic of Turkey!

The first Turks in history are considered to be the ‘’Asian Hun State’’. But the Turkish name was first heard with ‘’GÖKTÜRK (Gokturk) KHANETE’’. ATİLLA (Attila) is the biggest and best known ruler of the European Hun Empire. Atilla who took over the state in 445, was name as the ‘WHIP OF GOD’ among the Europeans with his dominate over Europe and his compaigns. And also Attila, is a Turkish ruler who ruled Europe for years and frightened the states from him.

‘Kürşad (Kurshad) uprising’; it is mentioned as one of the first independence movements of the Turks. This event is mentioned in Chinese sources as the revolt of someone named; ‘Chieh – she – shuai’! Many state officials and members of the dynasty were chained after the Gokturk State came under Chinese rule in 630. Chieh-she-shuai is a descendant of Gokturk Khanete and is one of the foreign generals of China. This period between 630-680 is expressed as a 50 years captivity of Turks! This man planned to assasinate the Chinese emperor in 639 with 40 soldiers he gathered to end the Gokturk captivity. He’s goal is mixing China by killing the emperor and kidnapping members of the captive Gokturk dynasty to rebuild the Gokturk State in ‘ÖTÜKEN’. That night almost a slaughter begins in the palace! Chieh-she-shuai (Kürşad) and his men manage to resist the Chinese soldier more than anyone can imagine. Briefly, Kürşad uprising is an indication that the principle of ‘THE INDEPENDENCE OR DEATH’ of Turks has been preserved throughout history!

Anatolian Seljuk State:

He heard that in Turkey everyone’s name but didn’t know who that someone is. ‘KUTALMIŞOĞLU SÜLEYMAN ŞAH (Kutalmishoglu Suleyman Shah) or another words, the first Süleyman Şah is the founder of the Anatolian Seljuk State. Briefly, Süleyman şah is the founder of the Anatolian Seljuk State and ruled the state between 1075 to 1086. It is rumured that he died on a horse in a war ‘AYN SEYLEM WAR’ in 1086.

Foundation of the Ottoman Empire:

Osmanoğulları (sons of Osman – historical name is Ottoman) Principality was founded in 1299 in Söğüt (Sogut) and it is vicinity by Osman Bey (Mr. Osman). Briefly, the principality of Osman oğulları was established 1299 and it won it is first victory against the Byzantine in 1302 as a result of the battle of Koyunhisar. Ottoman Empire hosted 36 sultans. But don’t worry, of course I am not going to make a long list by typing 36 sultans here J I will write for you only important sultans here:

- First sultan is 1.st Osman (Mr. Osman) 1299-1326

- The first caliph is 1.st Selim (Yavuz Sultan Selim)

- 1.st Süleyman, (Kanuni Sultan Süleyman) who remained on the throne for the longest time with 46 years.

- 4.th Murad, who remained on the throne as soon as possible with ‘93 DAYS’; 30 May 1876 to 31 August 1876.

- Abdulmecit the last caliph in the Ottomans.

- Last sultan 6.th Mehmet Vahdettin.

History of Turkey brief is the process by which the present ‘Malazgirt War’ in 1071. First settlements were Lonians and Persians in the paleolithic period. After Hellenistic period with 3rd Alexandros domination and fallowed by the Rome and Byzantine periods.

In the 11th century, the Big Seljuk Empire settled in Anatolia and the dominated. The Anatolian Seljuks which were dominated after the collapse of the Big Seljuk Empire, continued to be the domination of this place until the Mongolian invasion in 1243.

A lot of Turkish principalities are formed in this place after the Mongolian invasion. One of these principalities are the ‘Ottomans’ (Ottoman Empire), dominated in Anatolia from last years to the 13th century. After the 17th century started the decline period of the Ottoman Empire.

After the first World war, the Ottoman Empire collapsed because it lost the war. After their started ‘independence War’ against invading states and won. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is founded ‘Republic of Turkey’ in 1923. Republic of Turkey continue present day also.

Turkey is reborn with Atatürk’s revolution. ‘Laicism’ is the best one of the Atatürk’s revolution. The other revolutions are:

‘POLITICAL’ Revolutions:

- Abolition of the sultanate. (01.11(november).1922)

- The proclamation of the republic of Turkey. (29.10.1923)

- Abolition of the caliphate. (03.03.1924)

‘SOCIAL’ Revolutions:

- ‘Giving women equal rights with men’. (1926-1934)

‘This is the first of the world’. Turkish women could now work, they had the right to vote and be elected, so they could enter parliament. This is continue present day also.

-  ‘Hat and dress revolution’. (25.11.1925)

With this revolution, women started the wear modern clothes by getting rid of black sheets. Men started put hats instead of fez.

-‘The surname Law’. (21.06.1934)

Turkish people didn’t have surnames. They called with their father’s names along with their own names. Every Turkish people taked a surname after this revolution.

- ‘Removing nicknames’. (26.11.1934)

- ‘Acceptance of international time and callender’. (1925)

‘LOW’ Revolutions:

- ‘Removed of ‘mecelle’ (This Word is not translate to English. You can think like the heavy islamic laws of the Ottoman). (1924-1937)

- ‘Acceptance of Turkish civil law and transition to secular order’ (1924-1937)

Revolutions in ‘EDUCATION and CULTURE’:

- ‘Unification of teaching’. (03.03.1924)

- ‘Acceptance of new Turkish letters’. (01.11.1928)

Removed of Arabic alphabet and acceptance of Latin alphabet with new Turkish letters (03.11.1928).

- ‘Establishment of Turkish Language and history institutions’. (1931-1932)

- ‘Organization of university education and secularization of education’. (31.05.1933)

- ‘Innovations in fine arts’.

Revolutions in the field of ‘ECONOMY’:

- ‘Establishment of sample farms’.

- ‘Establishment of industrial organizations’.

- ‘Furnishing the country with new roads’. (1933-1937)



1)      ‘Bloody Christmas’:

Are events between Cyprus Turks and Greeks (Rums). I don’t know why but till a lot of times fighting and problems have. First event is ‘Bloody christmas’! But don’t confused in 1945, this is another event.

In 20th or 21th december 1963 Greek people armed attack to Turks. Bloody christmas is called name this. This is accepted to begin conflicts in the intercommunal fans.

In the first times 30, and then (totaly) 103 villages exposed to the Greek attacks. In the ‘Küçük Kaymaklı’ village (Turkish village) of the Lefkoşa (a city of Cyprus) under the siege. Armed attacks again in the Turkish houses and 9 people death.

‘Daily Herald’ came is Turkish villages and said things:

- ‘I was terrified of the saw Turkish houses. Out of the walls almost destroyed. I doubt that even a ‘napalm attack’ can cause such a great distruction’.

As the result; 364 Cyprus Turks and 174 Cyprus Rums death in this events!


2)      ‘Cyprus Peace Operation’

And also there was a lot of war in history of Turkey. ‘Cyprus peace operation’ is the other Cyprus event. Greek people are disturbed to Cyprus Turks still. Greek people are really hate to Turkish people. I don’t know but this is truth!

In 1974 Turkish military start an operation Cyprus from air and sea. The reason for about live in the Cyprus Turks. Because all Turks no relax in there. When it came the Turkish tanks in there, Turks would be happy and Greeks run aways their villages. Greeks complain this but result not will be change.

Turkish military control this area of %37. After Cyprus divide of South and North. North region of Turks and the South region of Greeks. Their live as the areas too much times. Right now is opened all doors. But just ‘Cyprus people’ opened.




‘27.05.1960’ Attack:

The Turkey order multi party (as politic) in 1946. Firstly Political power first times lived no problems with people, but this political power afterly lived some problems with the public. Firstly college students complained this political power. This basicaly is the reason to the path to Atatürk’s revolutions.

Indeed, the military intervention broke out the night in 27.05.1960. İntervention planed by 37 military officers.  The general took the lead. President and prime minister are arrested. New constitution is accepted in 1961. And also prime minister and and too much politics are sentenced to death. The president was sentence to improsonment for life because he was older.

‘1980’ Military intervention:

The problems are still cuntinued in the country. Continued terror, anarchism and factors threatening national security. Events were more aggravated by the execution of revolutionaries and armed clashes had increased. Now a bomb exploted almost every day and restaurants was fired. Right and left sighted college students attacked each other at the universities.

Results, state administration was regularly siezed by the Turkish army forces. All political parties closed and constitution was lifted in 1961. Republic of Turkey a new constution was designed to change the date in 1982. This constution goes to Turkey republic of the past. Because, the rules of military order are strict.






An understanding defending the political multi party system emergedin the press and parliament end of the second World war. A lot of people stated that they complained about the one party system. And then, an opposition occured.

In january 7, 1967 a new party was form by a gruop of politicians. This party was argues to liberal regulations in economy and politica and foreign investments supported. Republic of Turkey was enter ‘NATO’ in 1952 after the soldiers sent in Korea in 1950.



The war was with South Korea and North Korea between in 1950-1953. Turkey sent soldiers to Korea ‘’WITHOUT PARLIAMENT’S APPROVAL’’!

The idea of sending soldiers to Korea was seen as an opportunity to join ‘NATO’ against the increasing Soviet Russia threat as per the current government policy. 5090 Turkish soldiers participated in this war and Korean were most harmful from the war.

Korea was burned down and nearly 3 million people died. Approximately 36.000 of these are American, 600.000 are Korean, 500.000 are Chinese soldiers.



1)      Independence war: (1919-1923)

Allies: Ankara government, Soviet Russia, Soviet Azerbaijan, Soviet Buhara, India Muslim Nation.

Opposites: Greece, Republic of Pontus, French, Democratic Armenia, Great British, India, Democratic Georgia, ‘Istanbul government’, Italy.

Results: ‘Victory’! End of the Ottoman Empire, Treathy of lousanne and establishment of the republic of Turkey.

2)      Sheikh Said Riot: (1925)

Alies: Turkey.

Opposites: Sheikh Said

Result: ‘Victory’!  The riot suppressed!

3)      Ağrı Riots: (1926-1930)

Turkey vs Republic of Ağrı. Results: ‘Victory’! End of the Republic of Ağrı.

4)      Dersim Riots: (1937-1938)

Turrkey vs Dersim tribes. Results: ‘Victory’! The riots suppressed!

5)      Korean war: (1950-1953)

Allies: Turkey, South Korea, United Nations, USA, Great British.

Opposites: North Korea, China, Soviet Unions.

Results: ‘Ceasefire’! Treathy of Korea ceasefire.

6)      Cyprus Operation: (1974)

Allies: Turkey.

Opposites: Republic of Cyprus, Greece.

Results: ‘Victory’! Established of the North Cyprus Turkish Republic.

7)      Turkey – PKK (terror organization) Battles: (1978-Present day)

Allies: Turkey.

Opposites: PKK, KCK, PJAK, Kurdish democrat party/ North. (terror organizations all)

Result: ‘Continue’!

8)      Euphrates Shield Operation: (2016)

Allies: Turkey.

Opposites: Irak, Damask islamic state.

Results: ‘Victory’!

9)      Olive Brach Operation: (2018)

Allies: Turkey, free Syrian army from support Turks.

Opposites: Syrian democratic forces, PYD, YPG, YPJ, KCK, Syria government.

Results: ‘Victory’!

               I’m sorry but we came to end of the this article. I hope i can help you about history of Turkey. Sorry if i mistaked about words, letters or somethings. See you to the next articles, take care and don’t cancelled to reading! With respect, ‘BYE’!

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