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Some fundamentals about Turkey!

            Hey everyone! I’m Ertuğ and i’m from Turkey. I’m a traveller and camper. So you can trust me about Turkey J. I want to share my experience with you of my country. Allright, what will you see in this article, i'll explain. 'By the way; all the pics i'll share are mine. All from my travel and camp experiences'

You will learn about informations of Turkish people, 7 regions of Turkey, regional different cultures, seasonal tourism, hotels, natures, informations about some cities, what are you will be doing and in which cities, kebaps and a lot of delicious foods, islands of Turkey, travels, shoppings, what’s things be carefully, payments(buses, taxies, public buses, flights and city centre transportations), agriculture and farms, local baazars of cities and 1 BONUS for you! Bonus will be surprise! Ok, i don’t extended and  let’s begin. J

Primarily, Turkey is wonderfull country in every way. Hosting a lot of old civilizations and ancient cities, historical a lot of mosques, churchs, synagogues and their tombs, winter and summer tourism, a lot of nature beauties, forests, lakes… I want to start with the 7 regions of Turkey.

First region is Marmara. Located in western of Turkey. There are 11 cities in here. İstanbul, Çanakkale (my hometown), Edirne, Kırklareli, Tekirdağ, Kocaeli, Yalova, Sakarya, Bilecik, Bursa and Sakarya. We can say this region it's a bridge. Because, connects to Asia and Europe. There is suitable for summer tourism. A view from Edirne, Marmara region: 

Second region is Ege (Agean). This region neighbor of Marmara. Agean region is called name from coastal of Agean sea. There are located South of Marmara region and 8 cities in here. İzmir, Manisa, Aydın, Denizli, Muğla, Afyonkarahisar, Kütahya and Uşak. Agean is suitable for summer tourism like Marmara. A view from İzmir road, Agean region:

Third region is Akdeniz (mediterranean). There is located in South of Turkey. Winters in this region mild and rainy, summers are hot and dry. 8 cities Akdeniz region have. Antalya, Burdur, Isparta, Mersin, Adana, Hatay, Osmaniye and Kahramanmaraş. If you can try in the swimming and enjoyed the sun or go to east and taste the kebaps. You can be sure, every way will be perfect for you.

4th region is İç Anadolu (central Anatolia). There is located in center of Turkey. The second biggest lake and capital city (Ankara) of Turkey located here. Lake name is tuz gölü (salt lake). Central Anatolia have 13 cities. Ankara, Konya, Kayseri, Eskişehir, Sivas, Kırıkkale, Aksaray, Nevşehir, Karaman, Kırşehir, Niğde, Yozgat and Çankırı. If your visiting reason is see old civilizations, this region will be really  for you. A view from Eskişehir, central Anatolia:

5th region is Karadeniz (black sea). This region located is the North of Turkey and have 18 cities. Karabük, Düzce, Amasya, Artvin, Bartın, Bayburt, Bolu, Gümüşhane, Samsun, Trabzon, Sinop, Zonguldak, Tokat, Rize, Ordu, Çorum, Kastamonu, Giresun. Is a region with constant rainfall. If you like rain and green, definitely visit here! Don’t forget see the big tea gardens also. Seaport of Samsun, Black Sea region:

Doğu Anadolu (east Anatolia) is 6th region of Turkey. This is located east of Turkey like that name and have 14 cities. Ağrı, Ardahan, Bitlis, Bingöl, Elazığ, Erzincan, Erzurum, Hakkari, Iğdır, Kars, Malatya, Muş, Tunceli, Van. Turkish population density is of at least. This region famuous with old civilizations and foods. If you first visit reason is see the old civilization and taste a lof of foods, this region perfect for you.

The last region of Turkey is Güneydoğu Anadolu (Southeast Anatolia). This Region neighbors  of East Anatolia and Mediterrean regions. Here have 9 cities. Gaziantep, Diyarbakır, Şanlıurfa, Batman, Adıyaman, Siirt, Mardin, Kilis, Şırnak. The region has a rich culinary culture with meat and spicy foods. So rich underground sources, old castles and old civilizations also.

Who is the Turkish people? Turkish people are crazy and funny. And also helpful, smiley and friendly. Their love to eating and sharing a lot of foods. So, you will not get hungry in Turkey. Turks will see you as a guest always. Particularly, the villages people. If you need the help in Turkey, you can ask every people. Definitely, they will answer your questions!

You be carefull to taxi drivers. Their can extend the road and take more Money to you. You can prefer to city buses unless required. Feel free asking questions to Turkish people, ask everthing. Because, their really help you. Don’t ask questions to taxi drivers about to go places. They don’t help you, they will offer to get in taxi and go.

The travelling is easily in Turkey. Intercity buses are in every city. In Too much regions are trains and flights also. But if you ask me my think, i prefer buses and trains they are good for you. And they are not expensive and really comfortable. But be carefully of the costers in the bus terminals. Because their people everytime need take something to you. Cigarettes, Money and etc. Their have excuses always, you don’t sad this people!

The other subject, is the seasonal tourism of Turkey. Turkey is a country living in a World of 4 seasons. So every region have different seasonal tourism. Marmara, Agean and Mediterrean regions perfect for you in summer times. You can start the journey of Marmara region and determind your routes to Agean and Mediterrean regions. Çanakkale city have 2 islands, the coastal towns of Balıkesir city, İzmir city, Muğla city and their towns, Antalya city and etc. Just a advice for you.  East Anatolia and central Anatolia more in winter times good for you. Because in the winters east Anatolia is cold and snowy. If you like snow and skies, you can go to ‘ERZURUM’ (east Anatolia), ‘KAYSERİ’ (central Anatolia), and ‘BURSA’ (Marmara). This cities have snowy mountains. Bursa most famous because there is in the ‘Uludağ’. Uludağ is really famous mountain for winters sports and activities. But more for Turkish people. Erzurum have ‘Palandöken’ mountain and Kayseri have ‘Erciyes’ mountain. Their are famous also for winter sports and activities. I leave the choise to you, the decision is yours!

               I want to talking about the 2 islands of Çanakkale. Çanakkale is western city of Turkey and have 2 islands: ‘Bozcaada’ and ‘Gökçeada’. I strongly recommend you visit this islands. Because you will live Greek and Turkish cultures. Maybe you will first experience to this because no more islands live to this different cultures. Particulary, ‘Gökçeada’ perfect islands for you if you want to live this! Gökçeada is the biggest island of Turkey and western of Turkey also. There’s in the Turkish and Greek villages. You can taste Greek and Turkish appetizers and a lot of fishes and sea products. If you like Greek taverns, you can visit this island without going to Greece. Just enought going to the Greek villages. Organic goat cheese, honey, vegetables and meats, famous of this islands ‘grandmother made’ foods, a lot of FRESH fishes and sea products you can found in Gökçeada. Too much hotels and boutiques also. Surprise! Camping free here! If you like camping like me, wherever you want, you can set up your tents! I have camping every places and i’d love it. Trust me, you don’t regret it!

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