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The unique things of Turkey!

           Hey everyone! How are you? I hope everything is good J My name is Ertuğ and i am 29 years old. I am from western of Turkey, in Çanakkale city. I know, many of you do not recognize my city. Please let me for explain, my hometown, so Çanakkale city is located 314 (three hundred fourteen) km western of İstanbul. You can arrive within only 3 hours later to here from İstanbul, if you have a car. And also famous Troy Ancient City and original Troy horse are locating in this city. I am sure, many of you remember right now, right? J And last one! I am also sure many of you watched to TROY movie. Yeah, they gifted to Çanakkale city and Çanakkale public their used horse in this movie. You can visit as free in the city centre to this horse, when you come to Çanakkale city. I hope you will have the opportunity to visit one day. Believe me, you will not regret it! J 

Yeah, let’s go on! I want to introduce myself if you let me. I really want to do this because, i think you want to also. For example, what am i reading, who is the author and what kind of things he/she writes. Right? I always think to my readers trust me. Therewithal, i enjoy my readers laugh J C’mon, let’s be honest! One article is consisted minimum 2.000 (two thousand) words. Imagine, consisted two thousand words article is you reading as seriously, so official. And no funny words. Anyway, i am sorry for a lot of spoke. J

Well my dear friends. I am a musician and an author. Also i am a good traveller and camper. But i could not to these activities for a year, because i am living in Yekaterinburg city, Russia. I am a master’s degree student in here. Why i said these, because i want to you trust me. The unique things of Turkey is subject to this article. That’s why you are lucky, you will learn to these things from pure-bloody Turkish guy, so from me! J

C’mon guys, let’s open the subject a little more. I should mention that, Republic of Turkey is really big country. So, in Turkish people have a lot of cultures. Please imagine, Turkey is consist of 7 (seven) regions. These is; Marmara region, Agean region, Mediterrean region, Black sea region, Cenral of Anatolia region, East of Anatolia region and Southeast of Anatolia region. For example, i grew up with western culture. Our foods, wearing styles, Turkish accents and etc. different from the eastern region. Therewithal, eastern cultures are different from Black sea region cultures. Or like Mediterrean region to Central of Anatolia region differences. That’s why, my visited regions and cities are help us to explain to this article subject. And i am sure, you will be surprise while you reading to your country and Turkey differences. We can start, if you ready! J

Alright my dear readers, here we go! I want to start different cultures in Turkey and Turkish people firstly. Primarily, western people are wearing styles more relaxly then Central of Anatolia and eastern people. For example, western girls are wearing more opened clothes then these regions. But as you go to the inner Anatolia and eastern regions, you will see that the girls dress more closed. It is no joke, if you are a guy, you are still do not wearing short in some inner Anatolia and eastern region’s villages. Only you must wearing pants. I repeat it, it is no joke! Please imagine to girls are living in these villages.

And the other subject is, long hair and earings on men. Yeah, these regions for example still do not learned and accepted to this thing. For example, i studied my university at inner Anatolia. Are you ready to surprised? Well, i graduated at Ürgüp/ Cappadocia

           Yeah, imagine, there is a touristic places, right? Alright, this perfect touristic place people are living there, still do not accepted long hair and earings on men. I told you, i grew up with western culture. I had long hair, tattooes and earings. I was verbally abused and nearly beaten for a long time! Of course, i did not compromise my character and continued to live this way. Finally i got rid of the ignorant and insensitive people of those beautiful places. J

And also they are saying somethings to this styles men. For example, long hair and earings men are everytime ‘gays’ for them! Fortunately, when a lot of students went there, these ignorant local people are used to civilization J

Well, my dear friends! Let’s start talking about to Turkish people habits. It is so funny and interesting subject, believe me J Turks are really crazy, funny, quick angry and calms down quickly also, brave and like to be hero J That’s why their behaviors are looks really funny and interesting. And also habits are added to this subject, like this Turkish metaphor the Works will be really interesting. Alright, i will do not extend the Word any more! C’mon, let’s begin.

Firstly, as a nation, we have such behavior that the mind is not secret. J This is first behaviors: Watch construction! Weird, right? Usually middle age uncles are doing this. But sometimes you can see to young people are watching also. When they saw a construction, they are want to watch! Really weird. This is a construction from my balcony, i think i'm one of them:

The second behaviors: Driving to the license test! I told you to their funny, right? What do you think? Yeah, weird and funny for me also. I am leaving comment to you, please imagine J

Do you like this subject? We can go on, if your answer is yes! The third behaivors: Finish to the glass of the tea when see someone pouring the tea! I know, you do not understand to this subject. Let me explain. Turkish people are love to tea. Every hour of the day they are drinking tea. Every morning at the breakfast, when you go to visit your friends or go to some shops for buy somethings (furniture, household appliances, car or motorbike and etc) –your friend or seller offering to you-, every evening after the dinner… Briefly, they are drink tea a lot of time. That’s why, you are finish your tea. Because someone already pouring tea, did you get it? As a result, you are lazy to get up and pour tea for yourself. If someone pouring to tea, you feeling finish your tea and that person pour tea for you. J

We are continue to an other subject dear friends. This is: Trying to get on bumper cars at amusement parks and not crash! Yeah, i know, this game name is Bumper cars! But do not different to real cars for Turkish people. Please imagine, in this game in Turkey, the bumper cars never crashing! If your crash someone car as a fault, he will beat you with his eyes. J

Well, an other issue: Saluting and cursing mother and sister with a horn. This is a Turkish metaphor also. That’s mean cursing mother and sister is a kind of nervous behaivors for Turks. So, Turkish people use to car, bus, motorbike and also truck horn say hello or stay away, i will kick you! Both. Because they will be really agressive at the traffic. You was heard to a lot of horn voices in the city, if you was visited to Turkey. That’s why to this J

The sixth behavior is: To reproduce the finished shampoo with water supplements! Yeah my dear readers, Turkish people are use these cosmetic and personal care things until they are really finish! In another words, until to death! J Nobody conviced these are finished to Turks. Turks are believe in water, if they have water, never finish to these J

Checking with a lighter if there is a leak in the tube! Yeah, you did not read wrong! I told you, Turkish people are really crazy, did you believe me more? J Before to years, a lot of people were death to this reason! Please you do not try in your home! J

Beating to crying child to silence! Yeah my dear friends, you did not read wrong again! J Usually Turkish mothers are doing to this. My mom was doing to me this also J I do not know to reason, so why they doing this. For example, you was walking in the Street with your mom and you want to something a shop. Your mother did not buy this for you and you was start to crying, as normally. Your mom was start to slaping you against to this event! And she was saying; shut up, why are you cry? Shut up! Yeah, unfortunately we were grew up with this dressage. J I love you all the way, mom!

Teaching pet budgies and strangers to cursing! Yeah my dear readers, this is a an other topic for Turkish people. Turks are do not like it, they are LOVE it! And also they are love it football –soccer- team anthems. Turkish people are really fanatic to the football and they want to earn new fans of them favorite team. For example, i am a fan of GALATASARAY team. J Do not forget to like this team in your social media accounts. J

Putting a cigarette box in socks! Yeah, this is an other habits of Turkish people. Young people, generally high school students are doing this. The reason to this is, do not caught up to their teachers. Wait, i will open the issue a little bit more. High school students are bring their with cigarette box to go to school. The break times they are go to rest room and they are smoke in there. Yeah, teachers are never fool, they are get it this and search them students. That’s why students are put this in their socks. In this way, teachers are do not found easily to students cigarette boxes. J

Not paying bills before the last day! Turks are waiting to last day for paying bills. Please do not ask me this reason, because i do not know also! J We can pass to next:

Shooting guns at wedding days! Dangerious habits again! Unfortunetely, Black sea and east regions people are still doing it. A lot of people death as a fault but they are still do not accepted and people are still go continue to diying!

Queuing into something that is free of charge even though it is not needed, creating a stampede! Well, my dear friends; you can see this in Turkey a lot of times. Please do not will be stress and afraid, if you see this. That’s just a something free queuing! J

Believing that exhausted battery will work again after biting! Yeah, again weird habits. J You can do not forget to check it into the TV remote and mp3 music player in Turkish people houses, if you visit it. I am sure to you will see, in the minimum three Turkish houses J

Getting behind the ambulance and going through the safety lane! What i am saying more? Did i say you Turks are smart also? I did not remember! Yeah, a real success example, right? That’s why they are going to fastly and arrived their goals quickly! J -Do not ignore the punishments they get on the way- J

Alright dear friends, this subject is really deep and long. That’s why we are starting to talk about an other subjects. Yeah, the theme is Turkish people but subjects are will be different. J

Have you ever heard to Turkish foods and Turkish food cultures? If your answer is no, you are losing a lot! Because these things are really important for Turkish people. Turks are love to eating and offering - sharing their foods also. In another words, foods are life for Turkish people. That’s why Turkish foods and food cultures were really developed. And also Turkish girls have a metaphor; the path to a men’s heart goes through his stomach! Did you get it? That’s why Turkish girls are care cooking and they try to affact men to this tactic J

Right now, i will be talk about meats. Because Turkey is famous kebaps also. How they cooking a lot of delicious meats and kebaps? Why guests are like these?

First of all, the key point is cutting animals and resting duration cutted animals. This subject is it may sound wild but everthing is truth, truth of the life. J Turkish people are after cutting to animal’s neck, they wait for the blood to drain completely. This is a first key point. And then, after completely everything to they wait animal’s resting duration. That’s why Turkish meats are delicious. Oh, i almost forget! The other key point is they are ussually prefer men animals. In western regions people are prefer a lot of beefs while eastern regions are prefer lambs more. So, you will eat beefs if you visit western regions and you will eat lambs if you visit eastern regions. The kebaps were established South of Mediterreans and eastern regions. That’s why, if you want to eat kebaps, you was at the same time eating to lambs.

             Alllllright my dear friends! I am sorry but we came to end to this article L I hope you like it. Please forgive me if i was make faults to this words. Thank you for readed! I love you all, take care and stay reading! J

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