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What do I love in Turkey?

           Hello everyone! My name is Ertuğ and i am from western region of Turkey. My hometown name is Çanakkale/ Republic of Turkey. Famous Troia ancient city and Troy Horse are here. Right now i am living in Russia. My living city name is Yekaterinburg. I am 29 years old. I am an author and a musician. I am a singer but i can play all types of guitars and drums. We were tried to make music with our music band. Each of us were different maniacs but we were making music very well in some poor quality local rock music bars J When we were going to universities in different cities, our music band was disbanded.

And also i am a good traveller and camper! I discovered 90% of Turkey with my tent, mat, sleeping bag and my big camping backpack. And you know, i am still hungry to discovering. Firstly i want to discover 10% stayed of Turkey and then Russia, Europe, United States of America, Alaska… And also Australia and New Zealand! I feel to ready myself to this. The only thing missing is that I do not have Money J

In my early twenties i traveled to Turkey until the age of twenty five by camp. Also i was working while travelling. Ussually i was working restaurants, bars and bistros. Because i was graduated as a bartender of my high school. I studied to tourism and hotel high school. I learned a lot of things about of Turkey. All -7- regions of Turkey, touristic cities and places, cultural differences by regions, kitchen culture, material differences used in foods, drink cultures, perfect camping areas and etc. Briefly, if you want to learn some important information about Turkey, i am here! I will share to my experiences for you about Turkey. This article subject is what i love thing in Turkey? We are start if you ready J

First of all i should mention that, Republic of Turkey really fascinating country. Particularly these times! Why did i say you know? Because Dollar is really too high against from Turkish Lira right now. So you can think this, 1 dollar is almost 9 Turkish Lira. You can buy somethings for eat. For example, 1 bread is 2 Lira, little salami (1 packed, 8 pieces) 2 Lira, 2 tomatoes 1,5 Lira and 1 cucumber 1 Lira. You can prepare a sandwich for you. Enjoy your meal! Or you can buy 4 bottles –0,5 lt- water, these will be only 6 Lira. That’s why if you spend Dollar in Turkey, you can holiday like a KING! I do not exaggerate, believe me. This is true!

And the other currency about Euro! Euro is also too high against from Turkish Lira. I am explaining, please do not suprised! 1 Euro is almost 11 Turkish Lira! So i want to say this; if you want come to Turkey and you do not decided to which Money spend, i can suggest you Euro. J Never will be regret if you trust me.

Yeah, this is truth of Turkey dear readers. Maybe did i said things was be politic but this things really bad for Republic of Turkey citizens. Please imagine, you can not spend your Money relaxly in your country but foreign people came your country and spend Money easily! What was you think? Yeah, we are same think same things J

Anyway, you will love to Turkish food cultures! Because every regions have a loooot of foods and appetizers. Drink culture is different subject, we will come to this subject later. Now we are subject is foods J

I want to start my hometown, so West –Marmara- region of Turkey. This –food- subject is really deep and important. Because if you do not know what you can eat in the regions of famous foods and drinks, your vacation do not will be perfect. That’s why, i suggest you ‘be carefully’ to this food subject J

West of Marmara region have foods are fishes and sea products more. Generally, almost fish restaurants have fresh fishes! If you are in the western of Marmara region, you can taste of the fresh fishes, sea products –shrimps, squids, octopuses, oysters and etc.- and appetizers –sea beans, pickled tunny, pod pepper appetizers, beet appetizers and etc.- Oh, i am sorry, i almost forget! Please do not forget try to Turkish national alcohol drink. It is name is –RAKI-. But you must be carefull because it is so strong! Drink responsibly please J It is looks transparent but you can mixed with water. If you want to mixed with water, do not be surprised! Because when it mixing with water, it will be color turning white, like a milk! 

Briefly, my hometown Çanakkale have perfect sunset! Particularly in summer times. If you want to visit my hometown, after see to Troia ancient city and ORIGINAL Troy horse and Troy movie horse, go to quality a fish restaurant. Eat your dinner and drink Turkish rakı with the sunset.

By the way; -Troy movie horse- is located in the city centre! !!! DO NOT CONFUSED TO ORIGINAL TROY HORSE !!!

Yeah, we can go on! If you want to eat good and also perfect meat and kebaps, you can go to east of Mediterrean region and east regions of Turkey. For me, -ADANA- city is capital city of the kebap. Adana Kebap is famous and favorite kebap in this city. This kebap made is -man lamb-. Main material is man lamb, and mixing some spices. Cooking on the grill and served with private salat. Salat name is -tablacı salatası-. I said private but i can explain to contents J Tomatoes, onions, parsleys, salt and sumac spice. You can drink ayran or turnip juice with your Adana kebap. But if you want to ask me what my favorite, i say always turnip juice. Because they made everytime to this juice. It is always fresh and really delicious. But i warn you, this kebap is some spicy, if you do not like spicy to your foods, please say them. They will prepare non-spicy kebap for you J

We are already talk about foods, right? I want to talk about –Hatay- city foods. I am explaining… I will say do not be surprised but i know, you are really will be surprised! Okay, i am saying if you ready! Hatay city have 600 (six hundred) foods and almost have 1000 (one thousand) appetizers! No, no reading wrong J This is true.

I want to share some important dishes and appetizers for you! If you will visit to Hatay city, you must to taste these foods. These is most delicious twenty eight (28) Hatay dishes; (i recommend you take notes)

Şişperek (gulul) soup, oruk (içli köfte), İskenderun döneri (İskenderun is district of Hatay, this district is famous with their döner), fellah köftesi, biberli ekmek (breads on the peppers), kağıt kebabı (paper kebab, made by ground beef on the paper), ıspanak borani (kind of appetizer, boiled spinach mixed yogurt with garlic), belen tava, ekşili aş, tuzda et- tavuk (meat and chicken inside rock salt), firik pilavı (rice with different spices, planed carrot and plenty chicken meat), haylan kabağı (this is a zucchini food. These zucchinies grown up this city soils. This food cooking with boiled chickpeas, cubed meat, spices and olive oil.), tepsi kebabı (tray kebap, made is ground beef and some vegetables), sembusek, sarı bülbül, bakla ezmesi (broad bean paste), çökelek salat (a kind of chese salat), zeytin üfelemesi (a kind of olive salat, appetizer), sürk, hettüş salatası, zahter salatası (fresh tyhme salat), muhammara, humus (boiled and crashed chickpeas appetizer, served with olive oil), mütebbel, Antakya (Hatay- other name of Hatay)kömbesi dessert, kerebiç dessert, kireçte kabak dessert (a kind of pumpkin dessert) and my favorite dessert künefe!

Yeah, you can wipe the water of your mouth, i close the subject of meals. Oh, excuse me, i also wiping the water of my mouth J Because you know, i am living Russia now, just i miss sooooo much Turkish foods J

Alright dear readers, i want to talk about biggest island of Turkey. I remember this island when they ask me what things love of Turkey. Because this island really important for me. I camped a looooot of times in there, i had a looot of experiences and i loved there weather, i am still loving also. This island name is Gökçeada, or old name is İmroz. İmroz meaning is a type of sheep. Raised in Gökçeada island and partially in Çanakkale city province. In short, the name of the island comes from this type of sheep. But it is interesting because this island have a loooot of little and big goats. Cute animals are everywhere! Oh, i should mention that, if you want to visit Gökçeada, please do not be scared from these goats. J

Well, we are go on! My cousin is living this island with his family. Their house located in city centre. Greek (Rum) people and Turkish people are living there each other. That’s why this island have two cultures. Consisted two cultures in this island years and years ago and still continue. Gökçeada was a Greek island by years ago and later passed to Turkey. People there have different religions (Christian and Muslim), that’s why in this island have a lot of churchs and mosques also. And also in city centre have a lot of restaurants, hotels, boutiques, jewelery shops, a few banks and ATMs, markets and souvenir shops. Gökçeada have a hospital in this island city centre and a few pharmacies also. So, if you feel sick, you can go to hospital or pharmacies J

Transportation to Gökçeada only ships. Because it is a island, right J Joke, of course. You must to go European side of Çanakkale if you want to go Gökçeada. Because ship transportation only Europe side of Çanakkale. Oh, excuse me! Firstly i was talking about Çanakkale. Çanakkale have 2 side of continents like İstanbul. These are Asia and Europe. My home is located European side. Anyway, Çanakkale city centre (Asia side) fortunately have not ship transportation to Gökçeada. That’s why, you must to go pass Europe side. Kilitbahir village –my hometown- and Eceabat district are located European side. Do not worry, ship transportation have always Çanakkale to these village and district.

Kilitbahir to Eceabat are between 5 (five) km. You must to follow –Kabatepe- road. Kabatepe harbour is located other side of the peninsula. –Gallipolli peninsula-. (Gallipoli peninsula is Europe side of the Çanakkale city. Kilitbahir and Eceabat are also located in the Gallipoli peninsula.) Kapatepe harbour to Gökçeada –Kuzulimanı- harbour are between 1 (one) hour and 30 (thirty) minutes. If you like to open sea vacation it will be awesome for you! It is really enjoyable, believe me! You can drink tea if you like, eat something and also set up your time in the sunset -like me in this picture-, you can enjoy to sunset while you go in the ship. 

And when you arrived your ship to the Gökçeada harbour, you will feel to really clean air and smell fresh island scent. Kuzulimanı (Gökçeada) harbour is away to 6 (six) km to the Gökçeada city centre. Do not worry, the public buses have every ship hours. And you get in a taxi if you want or trying hitchhiking like me J

If your goal is camping, you are really lucky. Because Gökçeada island have a looot of great camping areas. I can say my favorite camping area if you want. It is Gizliliman. This Word English meaning is secret seaport. You can understand to name place, there is stayed really secret place. It is a bay and this bay’s sea is ultra-clean. Long and long beach, unwaves every season of the year, your back is pineapple trees, and your strait is grey-blue sea… More your strait is almost seen another Greek island. In short, if you like camping as me, Gökçeada will be really perfect for you. 

Please forgive me, if you say –No man, i like hotels and luxery places. Why you do not say something for me and people think to this like me? Yeah, i have say something for you also. Gökçeada is rich to hotels, boutiques, holiday farms, and home hostels. And also you know, almost every village! So, you are really lucky also. Gökçeada have 2 (two) Greek villages right now. These name are Zeytinliköy (olived village) and Tepeköy (hill village). 

Particularly Tepeköy have a few Greek tavern restaurants. If you staying these villages and you also want to join as Greek cultures –tavern- nights, you can do it. Because tavern nights are passing really interesting and enjoyable. I suggest to you join it J

What do you think, are we go on talking to Gökçeada? I have one suggest to you also. If you like watch to sunset, you can go to Kaleköy. This village is located North of the this island. I do not remember, but i think 7 km away of the city centre. A lot of fish and sea products restaurants are in this village. And also small and cute fishing boats of the island people are stayed there. If you choosed eat dinner in there, fascinating landscape will meet you! And i want to add this; you will never regret! Trust me J 

Well, my dear reader friends. My another –and also last to this article- loved thing of Turkey is tourism of Turkey. This subject is really deep and wide. Because Turkey have all seasonal tourism! For example, Turkey will meet you for your holiday in summer times. You can camping, staying an all inclusive hotel, swimming in the sea or resting on the beach. In winter times Turkey will meet you also. You can choose to Turkey for ski, you can watch or join to winter games or only rest in your winter wood house and listen to windies voices. And also autumn and spring seasons! These times will be perfect for you for visiting Turkey for me. Because the weather will be do not hot and do not cold! It is generally warm the weather to these seasons. And also in the begining autumn season you can still swimming in the sea. And you can visit all Turkey regions and cities, old civilizations, underground cities, ancient cities and their archaeological places, historical and also mythological buildings, tombs to important people of the history, museums, natural places, rivers, waterfalls, awesome lakes, jungles, religional places; mosques, churches, synagogues… Whatever you want to visit these seasons. But i suggest you, you should determine a plan for before you come and visiting to Turkey. Because Turkey is really rich to visiting places! I think, you should determine a plan for which regions to your visiting. After determine to which cities to go and after you set up a budget according to your situation. Belive me, everthing will be perfect to you!

             Allright dear readers, we came to end to this article. I hope you readed as enjoyable and learned somethings about Turkey. If your answer is ‘yes’, i will be happy! Please forgive me if i was some fault, because i am not sure to this J Thank you for readed to this article. Take care and stay reading, see you to the next articles! Good bye J

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