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What to do in Tukey in one week?

             Hey guys! My name is Ertuğ and i am 29 years old. I wanna briefly talk about myself. I am from western of Turkey, ‘Çanakkale’ city but i am living Russia, in ‘Yekaterinburg’ city. Firstly i am an author and a musician. But i am a good traveller and a camper! Particularly summer times I go to discover of Turkey with my big camping bagpack. Because summer times air be warm and hot you know? J The other –winter- times just i go to for camping near of my hometown –Çanakkale city- regions. Like ‘Gökçeada’ island. Gökçeada island is biggest island of Turkey. I discovered 90% cities and good places of Turkey and I still hungry to discover another cities and good places. 

Right now someone can ask why am i saying these, i know. First one of reason, i always wanna establish a warmness and confidence with readers. The other reason is subject of this article! This article is about;‘what to do in Turkey in one week?’ Don’t worry and trust me, you recognize me now J You can near to your computer screen, put your glases if you use them. If you don’t use them, don’t put J We can begin if you are ready!

First of everything, you must have a plan about travel to Turkey. Because is not enough just a week visit to Turkey. That’s why you will need a route. And then, establish again a region of Turkey. Republic of Turkey have 7 regions. These is; Marmara, Agea, Mediterrean, Central of Anatolia, Black Sea, East of Anatolia and Southeast of Anatolia regions. If you want to visit of Turkey in summer times, i suggest to you Marmara, Agea and Mediterrean regions. But if you want to visit of anytime, you can always visit to all regions. I should also state that, spring and autumn times will be perfect for you to visit of Turkey. Because you want to just seeing somewhere and walk. If you come to summer times, you will be hot while you walk. And if you come to summer times, you will be cold with the winter windies. Just you want to swimming and resting or if want to use your annual permits you can prefer in summer times. If you want to use your annual permits, it will be perfect for you J Imagine, you are in the annual permits, watching to the sea and drinking beer on the beach. Sun is up, your feet touch to the warm sand, when you are feel be hot, run to sea! Oh God, i miss to summer! –if you living in a cold country (or Russia like me), you miss two also three and fourfold-

Anyway, if you establihed a route we can go on J I talked about to you, i am a camper. I always prefer to staying in a tent. But i graduated to tourism and hotels administration. I worked a lot of hotels in Turkey. That’s why i know hotels very well. So right now, I want to share my experience for your vacation in Turkey:

1) I suggest to you everyday wake up early times in your vacation. Because this is simple things; the sooner you get up, the more places you travel. And also if you will stay a hotel or kind of hotels, their are breakfast times get early. (Generally be 7:00 am to 10:00 am.) But If will you prefer to stay a tent like me and don’t think stay same places again, you are wake up early more! Because you will want to eat something or drink coffee or tea. And also you must picking up to your tents! That’s process will steal your times. Actually and briefly, if you wake up early, you are feeling vigorous and energic for everyday!

2) Give yourself plenty of opportunity to rest. A lot of people acting ambitious, I don’t understand why. They want to visit everywhere, take a lot of pictures, eat all foods and drink all things! Don’t be excitement, choose yourself for rest. Probably you can not do a lot of things, believe me! ‘You shouldn’t forget, you are on vacation!’ You are keep calm and be relax. Give yourself a lot of resting times. Just establish a list of mustly done and follow this list. Believe me, you will see it Works.

3) Be guide of yourself! I don’t say you do not follow a guide but you can be guiding yourself for little vacations! Guide and the public visits always be bad because guide just talking about there and go! They like to say; ‘yes, what we do right know? Follow me if you wonder, we are the next stop is …!’ Briefly, if you like spending time as free while to visit on vacation like me, you can be guide to yourself. In this way you can learning too much things. Imagine, you learn more by paying less! It sounds good, huh? Why not! Just make your plan, establish a route and run. If you have little problems in this duration, you can ask local people of course. It is a clue for you, Turkish people like to help J

4) Choose public transport and intercity buses in Turkey! Taxis always your last options. Because taxi drivers can trick to you. They can excuse traffic and extend your road and then take more Money from you. Please be carefull to this important subject! If you have to take a taxi and if you are in a hurry, do not listen to taxi driver. Most of them don’t already know english, act as if you don’t understand to taxi driver and insist on the road you will go. Believe me, you will see it work!

By the way, I should also state that troublemakers sellers about in intership bus terminals. They are really troublemakers! They can will want to sell fake products to you as original. Someone can want to sell you stale tea, coffee or foods. Please look at the products carefully and buy. If you don’t want to buy, they can try to take some Money and cigarettes from you. In this case, don’t deal with them and move away quickly.

I am sorry but this bus terminals full of another troublemaker people also. And be sure these people will bag for Money regardless of woman and man. They are not sellers, they only beg Money by approaching people. Sometimes they are say to you can not go to hometown, sometimes they say feels hungry and also sometimes they uses their daughters and sons and say them feels hungry! Never pity them because if they feel really hungry or can not go to hometown, how they came to this terminal, right? You can say don’t understand to them and move away. Finally; if you want to drink some tea, coffee or another drinks, want to buy traditional or famous foods, drinks or another things of this city or want to eat something, you can go to markets of bus terminals. I know, this subject has been extended a bit but this subject was really important for you. We can go on to 5th rule of my experience if you are ready. Let’s go.

5) Be sure to taste local dishes and delicacies! I love to this subject because Turkish food culture is really deep and wide. Believe me, do not separate regions to regions, it is really apart city to city! Vegetables, plants, cow and lamb meats, organic chikens and poultries, cheeses, rivers, lakes and sea fishes, sea products and plants, patties, legumes (white bean, broad bean, chickpea, red and green lentil and etc.), Turkish rice and 2 types of (thin and big pieces) findings… Just imagine, all of those i counted have a meal! And also minimum 2 types of meals! Turkish people are really competent to this job, so foods. Finally, it will be very difficult to tell you this subject, so i recommend you just live J

Allright, right now you know my experiences! Let’s go to now what is done a week to Turkey day by day. Are you ready? Here we go!


Firstly, we remember to the first rule J Wake up early and eat breakfast very well. Because you need the energy for your vacation. I suggest you eat the honey to your breakfast. Honey better than chocolate for your health because honey is organic and it is have natural sugar. In this way you can have energy as a natural way. You can establish a route after your breakfast. I suggest you between first to fourth days visit of the historic places. For example, you can establish separately routes with separately hours for every four days. Of course don’t neglect to rest and eat something inyour visiting duration. J You can choose regional foods in your locating city. And if you visiting to Turkey in summer times, I strongly recommend to drink ‘ayran’ . It made by yogurt, drinkable water and salt. It is will be soooo tasty and relaxing drink for you! Do not will be regret. You can shower and go to sleep early end of the day. Next day wake up early again, that’s why J


After the breakfast and established a route, you can go on to visit historical places and museums. Museums are different way for understanding to history. Republic of Turkey is very rich in museums and particularly historical places. That’s why i said visit to historical things between 4 days. How about pamping yourself end of the day? I have a surprise for you! You can go to a coastal restaurant and eat dinner very well. And particularly you locating in a West regions, it will be perfect for you. For example, if you in the Çanakkale city, –my hometown- watching the sunset be perfect. You can try. But i warn to you, please do not exaggeration to dinner because tomorrow wake up early again and again J (Hide yourself to friday, i have a surprise for you also J)


Did you eat breakfast and took energy of the honey? If your answer is yes, a new day is waiting for us, let’s go! In Wednesday you can visit to ancient cities and archeology museums and mosques and churches with fascinating structures as different of the first two days. Can be a little bit tiring for you but it will be worth it! Absolutely you should have a rest a lot of times. You can go to a cafe and drink cold drinks maybe. End of the this tiring day, a shower will be perfect for you. After the shower you can eat dinner and go to sleep.


In Thursday is will be different day for us, huh? Because you already visited historical places and antique cities and museums first three days. Hmm.. What we can do today, i am thinking. Yes, i found, how about visiting to nature today? This is my favorite thing of my life. You can see to awesome lakes, rivers, waterfalls and maybe you can join forest hikings. Believe me you will feel relaxed and forget to tired of first three days. Do not forget to take a lot of photos please J

I think, evening of the Thursday you do not feel must to sleep early because next day you will shopping abundantly! That’s why you will musn’t wake up early in next day. So you can drink something with your good dinner. Enjoy it!


Yeah, we came to enjoyable days finally. You woke up, ate breakfast and ready to today right now. Today you would will visit to bazaars and buy something. Turkey is rich in bazaars and local things also. For example, you can found a lot of organic foods, herbals and herbal teas, spices, famous things of your locating cities and etc. And also you can visit shops of clothes, shoes, bags, jewelries, perfumes, outdoors and cosmetics. You can also prefer to big shopping centres because this big shopping centres have everything! You can eat or drink something while shopping. But I don’t suggest to big shopping centres because there are really noisy and bothering for me. Also you expensive to buy same brands. Local bazaars always better than big shopping centres for me.

After the visited bazaars and shopping you can have a shower. And than eat dinner very well with drink something. I said I have a surprise, right? Yeah, don’t worry, I didn’t forget! Are you ready to night? How about go to Street or a night club? Why are you still wait, hurry up!


Do you still sleep? Oh c’mon, get up! You will late to go sea side. How about swimming? It will be perfect for you, right? Prepare yourself, towels, sun creams, hat and sunglases don’t forget to put in your bag. Let’s go!


Today is last day on your vacation. I think you should devote this day to eating. A lot of Turkish foods are waiting for you! You can recognize to Turkish food cultures while you eat Turkish foods. But don’t forget to place your suitcase! Because I am sure, Turkish foods will your turn with they tasties J Please you be sure truth of the tickets and don’t forget anything. Finish your enjoyable vacation, i am sorry L


               Yeah guys, i hope you like to this article. Please forgive me if i had faults. Take care and stay reading! See you to next articles, bye J

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