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Get to know the Turks and their culture!


            Hi everyone! I am Ertuğ and i am from Çanakkale city of Turkey (Western of turkey) but i am living Russia right now. I am an author and a musician. And also i am camper and traveller. Yeah, you recognize me now J What will we do right now? We will begin to talk about Turkish people and their different cultures between each other! If you ready to read, we can start to talk.

Republic of Turkey consist 7 regions. Marmara region, Ege (Agean) region, Akdeniz (mediterrean) region, İç Anadolu (cental Anatolia) region, Karadeniz (Black sea) region, Doğu Anadolu (East Anatolia) region and Güneydoğu Anadolu (Southeast Anatolia) region. Every region have different cultures and life styles. Even different foods, weddings, dancing, traditional clothes and other things and etc. Sounds strange right? Actually not! Because all Turkish people are living each other different in Turkey and their races different also.

A lot of Turkish people have different races in the republic of Turkey. Example of some races; Tatar, Laz, Çerkes, Kürt, Arap, Dadaş, Avşar, Manav, Arnavut, Yörük, Çingene (roman)(English meaning is Gipsy), Pomak… The old times to races consist a lot of little Turkish pricipalities i think the reason for this. Another example; my dad is a Tatar and my mom is a Yörük! Yea, i know! I am a hybrid J My parents:

People are living regions as their race. ‘Laz’ people are living in Black Sea region more. Yörük people are living in South Marmara, Agea, Central Anatolia and Mediterrian regions. Kürt people are living in East Anatolia and Arap people are living in east mediterrean and southeast Anatolia regions. The other people are living in all regions of Turkey little bit. Tatar people are living in Central Anatolia (Eskişehir and Ankara city more), Gipsy, Arnavut and Pomak people are living in West regions more. But all Turkish people don’t say their races, they're always say ‘I am a Turk’!

Believe me, if you live in Turkey minimum 5 years, you can understand the races of people. Because all of them have the characteristic of their race and Show! Example; Laz people have long noses, Gipsy people are brunette and blonde hair, Tatar people have slanting eyes and dislocated cheeks, Arap and Kürt people are brunette and frequently have curly hair and their noticeable body hairs.

Another subject is foods. Every races people have different foods. Yörük people cooked vegetables, kind of cheese and pastry more and usually use olive oil. Meat don’t use it too much. Do you want to read some Yörük foods? If your answer yes, be ready now J I will write for you:

- Topalak yemeği: A food made from findings and bony lamb. Yörük people make this meal on special occasions and when guests arrived.

- Gözleme: One of the indispansable pasteries of Yörük people. A dough is obtained and cheese, ground beef, beet, leek, boiled spicy potatoes, Kaşar (Turkish chedder) cheese, sausage and etc. The ingredients are placed and covered. Cooked upside down until they turn pink.

- Yoğurt çorbası (yoghurt soup): Yoghurt, rice and oil is mild over a light fire. Some water is poured on it. Stir unilaterally until cooked.

Hamur aşı, gaçamak pastası, yahni aşı, kaymaklı bükme, sıkma dürüm, gelin önü, tas kapama, sac böreği, keşkek, çoban salatası,yuvarlama, ısırgan salatası, mantı, lokma, tarhana çorbası, ovmaç çorbası and etc. are another Yörük foods also. If you want to taste of Yörük foods, you can go to Marmara, Agea, Mediterrean and Cental Anatolia regions.

  Tatar people cooking is more meat and pastry. Usually dough between meet and ground beef. Vegetables don’t more in the foods, these more use as garniture. Ok, I don’t want to make you more impatient and i am sharing:

- Çi börek: Dough between ground beefs. Çi börek from Eskişehir, a Tatar restaurant:

- Köbete (Tatar patty): Doughs beetween beef, ground beef or cutted little chiken breast in the baking tray and baked in the oven.

- Acuka: As made for breakfast and for meal. Pepper, walnut, and kind of spices in this food. Another Tatar foods are:

Burma (kol) böreği, üyken börek, saraylı kırma böreği, sarı burma, cantık (yantık), şagaraklı şoban kobete, bacalı kıymalı, patatesli börek, baklalı erişte, kaş kaş, çubar bakla, kıyık, mantı, samsa, Alaşehir (old muslim Tatar city), kapama, şavurma (kind of doner kebap but this is orginally), etli torta, çoban aşı, tabak börek, kaşık börek, kalkay and etc. If you want to taste Tatar foods, you can go to Central Anatolia (Eskişehir and Ankara city) of Turkey.

Laz people are consist to Black sea region more. Their food cultures are big also. Laz people usually use fish, meat (meat products more), milk, cheese and vegetables in the foods. Particularly, the Trabzon city people are only ‘HAMSİ’ fish use too much foods; Hamsi tava (deep fries), Hamsi buğulama (hamsi fishes, some vegetables (peppers, onions, garlics, tomatoes, parsley and etc.) and olive oil cooked in the pan), Hamsili pilav (rice with hamsi fishes), hamsi turşusu, (pickle of hamsi fishes), sebzeli fırın hamsi, (vegetables with hamsi fishes in the cooked oven) hamsi köftesi (hamsi fishes meatballs) and etc. J Allright, let’s look at the other Laz people foods:

- Mıhlama (kuymak): Laz people prefer this food at the breakfast more. Main materials are; cheese, butter and corn flour.

- Karalahana Çorbası (a vegetable soup): Main materials are; Karalahana, kidney bean, water, butter and olive oil.

- Mısır Ekmeği (Corn bread): This food is really easily made but delicious. Only corn flour, water and some salt. Another Laz (Black Sea) foods:

Yoğurtlu patates paçası, simit tiridi, Akçaabat köftesi, pepeçura, Çerkez tavuğu, dible fasulyeli pilav, pumpum çorbası, Bolu kebabı, topik, kırmızı mercimekli yaprak dolması, fasulye pilaki, petaluda, piliçli patlıcan, banduma, ekşili pilav, ballı güllaç, siron, yumurtalı fasulye kızartması, yangıç, fındıklı un helvası, paşa pilavı, fındıklı yufka tatlısı, acılı fındık ezmesi and etc.

Kürt people are located east of Turkey more.Their use meat and butter in the foods. Vegetables are ordered with meat foods or as garniture. ‘Kebap’ made there too much times. Mangal (barbeque) is really famous for Kürts and people from the East of Turkey. Important of foods from there:

- Mercimek Çorbası (red lentil soup): Main materials are; red lentils, tomato-pepper paste, onions, kind of spices, vegetable oil – butter and water.

- Patates Sulusu (a kind of potato food): Potatoes, onion, beef, pepper paste, vegetable oil – butter.

- Çiğ köfte (a kind of meatballs): BE CAREFULLY! THIS IS HOT SPICY! Ground beef, thin wheat, chili, red pepper, garlic, pepper paste with hot spicy and and a lot of spicy. The other foods of Kürt and people from East of Turkey:

Erişte çorbası, pazı kavurması, yeşil mercimekli bulgur pilavı, karışık turşu, mor lahana turşusu, bulgur pilavı, kavurma, haşlama, muhammara, kurutulmuş fasulye yahnisi, etli kabak dolması, pirinçli köfte, abdigör köftesi, içsiz bulgur köftesi, kıymalı semsek, kadın budu köfte and etc. Example of the some kebaps; Lahmacun kebap, patlıcan kebabı, döner kebap, soğanlı tepsi kebabı, karışık kebap and etc. You can go to east side of the republic of Turkey and you can taste to awesome foods!

Right now, we can go to East of Mediterrean and West of the Southeast Anatolia regions. Do you want to know how to recognize Arap foods? I think we can, if you ready to this, let’s begin. Arap foods also different and delicious. They are famous for their kebabs as well as their unique dishes. What do you say take a look together?

- Babagannuş: This is a aubergine dish. Into different vegetables are; onion, sweet red pepper, tomatoes, garlic and etc. And also this food have a lot of spice.

- Laba: This food is famous and delicious of the Mediterrean region and made is really easily. You only need lamb rib bones and rice to cook this food.

- Taratorlu Piyaz: This food is the most famous of Antalya city from Mediterrean region. We look skatched to this food, you need to garlic, lemon juice (fresh), tahini, crashed walnuts, boiled white beans, winegar (grape winegar), little cutted tomatoes, boiled eggs and parsley. Another Mediterrean foods are:

Gülgas, mahluta, fıstıklı köfte, Antakya (city of Turkey) böreği, hibeş, turunç reçeli (desert), patlıcan reçeli (desert), sıkma, sac oruğu, Antakya usülü yumurta öccesi, sini köfte, söğürme, Adana usulü (city of Turkey) avgan pilavı, testi kebabı, ekşili çorba, zeytinyağlı kuru dolma, kallili köfte, patlıcanlı çöp kebabı, patlıcanlı ekşili çorba, ciğerli bulgur pilavı, ezme kebap, tantuni, nar ekşili ezme salata, kabune, nokul, Uluborlu böreği, ciğer dürüm, biberli ekmek, pirzolalı yaprak sarma, sebzeli kebap, testi kebabı, gazel böreği, karnabahar musakka and etc.

If your mouth is watering, you can go to theese areas and taste this foods. Mediterrean and West of Southeast Anatolia regions always hosting you! Just you can go and taste J

Allright, let’s we look to Çerkes food cultures now. Çerkz foods so delicious also. I don’t want to make you wait any longer. Let’s look!

- Şıpsi pasta: Chiken or beef, corn or wheat flour to make this food. Really famous and delicious food of Çerkes people.

- Abista: The name is this food varies by regions. Mamursa, mamrisa and etc. This food served with private Çerkes cheese. And also served yoghurt and milky foods is this food alongside.

- Lepsi: It is a meat stew dish that is produced by cooking lamb or beef for a long time. Surely served abista alongside of this food! The other Çerkes foods are:

Haluj (hıngel, hınkal), halvane, corme, metaz, velibah, gınnış, gubate, ape yeşek, hurmisa, jijig, haliva, şelame, şıpsi (Çerkes tavuğu) English meaning is ‘Çerkes chiken’, patatesli velibaht, Çerkes pilavı, Çerkes çorbası, demir tatlısı and etc. Çerkes meals in restaurants that you can find anywhere in Turkey. If you want to taste, a lot of restaurants have to big cities the Çerkes foods. Example; İstanbul, Ankara, Hatay, Kayseri, Çanakkale, İzmir, Antalya and etc.

Yeah, right now i want to talk about the Turks and their culture. Turks are almost same except for the traditional differences caused by different races. Example; Tatar people wedding ceremonies different according to Kürt people wedding ceremonies. Or Arap people according to Çerkes people also. But Turkish people are everytime Turkish people! Turks never say to ‘I am a Tatar, I am a Arap, I am a Pomak or Yörük…’ Everytime say to ‘I am a Turk’.

Particularly, many movements are alike and this movements most of the time are funny. Example; put a big stone or wood in the rear Wheel of the car where them is on the parks on the ramp. Reason for this is to prevent the car from going backwards. After applying the handbreak. (I think ONLY in TURKEY you can see this!) Turkish people always watching constructions! Don’t surpised if you see to this people do it in Turkey! Use to car horn when he saw to recognize someone familiar. Teaching cursing words to foreigners. ‘WASH ME’ on the dusty rear Windows of cars: 'Do not wash me, teach me to wash'

Or write a name, date or nickname on concrete that has not yet dried:

Apart from these funny things, Turks are really hospitable, funny, helpful, friendly, understanding and benevolent! For example; if you feel hungry in Turkey, you can go to some Turkish people home and knock their door. Say to ‘I am hungry, can you give me some foods?’ Turks will never reject to you, give something for you to eat. Another example; you can walk to road and see the wedding ceremony, you can join this wedding ceremony. No one ask you this; ‘who are you, what are you doing here?’.  Their only say this; ‘Welcome!’. Someone cooking something in their house and want to share to their neighbors also. The neighbors their shares with their return the plate with the food their cooked. And also Turkish people if see to piece of bread (not different to kind of food thing) on the road, always pick up this and put to the roadside.

Turks are so respectable about people! Example; Turkish people never call their elders their names. Their say ‘AĞABEY (big brother)’ and ‘ABLA (big sister)’.  They respect their elders and don’t fight unless necessary.

             Allright dear readers, i didn’t notice but i spoke too much! I hope i was able to help you and answered to inside on your mind questions. I am sorry if i was fault about letters or something, please forgive me. See you to next articles, take care! 

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