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Let's cooking together 'Menemen' (One of traditional Turkish food)


           Hi again, guys! How is your life? I hope everthing is OK. Today i want to share all of you cooking ‘menemen’. This dish is one of traditional Turkish cuisine food. You know or do not know but that food is very important for Turks. Single people, a lot of men living each other or lazy people for cooking are prefer cooking menemen a lot of times. Reason of this; menemen is generally easy than other Turkish food if we think the other foods. Because Turkish cuisine is reaalllyy deep and wide. Also a lot of foods are difficult to cook. Eat is almost everything of life for Turks. Turkish people are believe these; hungry people can’t work, can’t dancing, can’t play instrument…  If students go to school without eat anything, can’t understand their teachers and lessons and more and more like these. J

Well, if you starting my articles from this article, let’s meet first. J I’m Ertuğ, and what is your name? You can write as a comment under of this article. Ok, i’m 29 years old and i’m from Turkey as you understand this menemen recipe. J  I’m a traveller, camper, author and musician. Such a lot professions huh? Actually not, because i love my jobs. If you doing your job willingly, every job become perfect for you. Because i learned to take experiences my every jobs and then use as articles and you are reading now one of my article. Anyway, i say i hope you like it and will be benefit for you. Me now? Come back to the subject of this article. J

Where were we stayed? Oh,yeah! Recipe of menemen. Guys, i mention that; you can cook this dish every moment of your life and every meal of the day. Because this food easy for cooking and light for body. So you never feel heavy of your stomach after eat. Ok, let’s jump to the attentions and i share recipe now. J Menemen for 2 people:

Table of contents:

* Onion (middle size)

* Green peppers (middle size, 2 pieces)

* Tomatoes (middle size 1 or little size 2)

* Eggs (3)


* Salt

* Black pepper

* Red chili pepper

*You can use greens (parsley and dill) after cook on your menemen*

Dear friends, you need 4 basic food for your menemen. I said, it will be very easy for you. These are; oninon, green pepper, tomatoes and egg! Actually i don’t remember clearly but, i think 2 or 3 years ago, most famous gourmet of Turkey started a survey about menemen. Topic is, menemen done with onion or without onion. Turkish people were really vote that topic like crazy! No joke! I told you, eat such a important thing for Turks. J 51% people were said with onion, %50 people were said without onions. Frankly, i don’t care who said something what. Menemen always mean cooking with onion for me. J Trust me, you also cook menemen with onion, won’t be regret!

Alright, now you know contents for cooking menemen. Also you need salt, black pepper and chili red pepper as spices. We prepared all contents for cooking now and we can pass to front of stove. We starting to chop of onions as little cubes.  After we will chop of green peppers as standart size and then tomatoes as cube too.

            (Do not forget to peel off of tomatoes) We add to vegetable oil (you can use olive oil if you have) of pan. In order of add first onions, then green pepper and then tomates. When onions become soft and colors turned pink, we add to green peppers. After add tomatoes, when onions and green peppers are become soft.

Yeah guys, your menemen is cooking. You can wait to cooking of tomatoes now but do not forget to check your dish! No one wants their food to burn, right? J When tomatoes are lost smell raw, you add to eggs. This duration we are adding to salt and black pepper. We are mixing always as slowly. When eggs cooked, so looks little bit dried, it means your menemen is ready. Lastly, you can add red chili pepper on your menemen. It looks will very well and tasty. Also you can add some greens (parsley and dill) too if you have. Bon appetit!


Dear friends, this bonus about to cooking menemen of my sytle! I always adding extra garlic, thyme and sometimes (if tomatoes doesn’t looks red, -generally winter times-) adding tomato paste. Traditional Turkish tomato paste looks like this:

In this situation menemen looks more red and tasty. Also better taste while eating. Another thing is, i’m using always olive oil. Thus menemen is become more light and tasty. I suggest you this too. Lastly, first recipe of menemen is traditional and second recipe of menemen is my style. I suggest you taste both and then decide which one you like. J

            Alright guys! We came end of one more article too. I hope you like it and benefited  you. Thank you for readed, if i was fault something as words or letter please forgive me. I love you all, what we saying, stay healty! See you to next articles, good bye. J

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