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Stories and some information about Turkey!

                Hey everyone! My name is Ertuğ and i am 29 (twenty-eight) years old. Let me for introduce myself before J I am from western of Turkey, in Çanakkale city. Maybe many of you recognize my hometown? If you know Troia ancient city, it will be easily to know this city. Because Troia ancient city and famous Troy Horse are located in Çanakkale city. But I was living in Europe side of Çanakkale city. Çanakkale have two sides as continent; Asia and Europe sides like İstanbul city. That’s why, i was living in Gallipoli peninsula so, Europe side. Finally, my real hometown name is Kilitbahir village.  J A pic from my homewtown:

But i am living middle-west of Russia Federation, in Екатеринбург (Yekaterinburg) city. I am a master’s degree student in here. Excuse me but i want to say this; i am studying the program of international relations. Maybe many of you wonder? That’s why i wanted to saying this. J

I am a writer (author) and a musician. My writing styles are usually the short stories, essays and articles of course, like this. J Underground literature is my prefer always for reading and writing. For example; John Fante, Albert Camus and Charles Bukowski of course. Bukowski is my favorite author ever. Anyway, i talked about to i am a musician. I am a singer but i can play all types of guitar (electrical, bass, acoustic and classic), ukulele, drums and little bit piano. J We were maked 5 (five) or 6 (six) years music as regular with our old music band. When we were gone to different universities, our music band was disbanded. L I was tryed to making music lonely, it was be duration only 3 (three) years as regular and i cancelled end of the 3 years. Because i could not making, anyway, it is a long story, believe me J

And also i am good traveller and camper! I was camped a looooooot of places and i was travelled a looooot of cities and districts of Turkey. I can saying this; i discovered 90 percent of Turkey with my big camping backpack. I learned to different cultures of Turkish people and their cities and regions, i tasted a loooot of yummy Turkish foods,  i visited a looot of ancient cities, old civilizations places, museums, historical islands, mosques, churchs, synagogues, long beaches, natural parks and mountains and etc. For this reasons, you can trust me without thinking about Turkey and Turkish culture. J

Well, we can talking about to subject in this article now, if you want. What do you think? If you want to more information for me, please press 9 (nine). No, no! I am joking of course J Unfortunately, you can not press. J Let’s talking about to subject!

Alright my dear friends, this article subject is story! I know, no one get it me. J Do not worry, i am opening to this subject. For example, story of the a kind of food, story of the kind of a Turkish tobacco, chocolate, place and etc. I hope you understood. If you do not understood, do not worry! Just go on to the reading please. J

Okay, i want to start talking about the place firstly. Because the place i will tell is really important for history and for me. The place name is Gökçeada (İmroz). This place is an island, biggest island of Turkey. Gökçeada is connected to the province of Çanakkale and it is located western of Çanakkle and Turkey. Okay, i will do not extend more, let’s start to talk!

At the bottom of the sea and in the cliffs,

Between Tenedos and rocky Imroz,

There is a cave; it is wide and huge.

Poseidon would rest his horses there; shaking the ground!


He solved it from the chariot, placed his divine baits before them.

He tied gold chains at his feet,

These were unbreakable, unsolved chains.

They could not leave until their master came,

He himself marched towards the Akha’s army…

                                                                 ILYADA XII, HOMEROS


Yeah, my dear friends! Like your saw this, by Homeros BC. It was written in the 750s. This is Gökçeada (İmroz) mythology. BC. The Iliad Epic, which is about the trojen war, which is supposed to take place in the 1200s, was written by Homeros in BC it was written in the 750s. Imroz whose name is mentioned many times in the epic, is always mentioned as rocky.

According to Greek mythology, between Gökçeada (Imroz) and Samothrace is the palace of Thetis, mother of Achiles and between Gökçeada and Tenedos there are the stables of the winged horses of Poseidon.

Anyway, apart from mythology, this island has been a gateway center that constantly changes hands, acting as a bridge between Asia and Europe. There is no exact information about how old the settlement date of the island goes but it is accepted that the first settlers were the Pelasgs. After the Pelasgs, it came under the rule of Persians for a short time. As a result of the peace made between the Athenians and the Persians in 4448 BC, it is connected to Athens. It passed into the hands of the Roman Empire at the end of the Macedonian wars between the Athenians and Romans for 47 years between 215-168 BC.

Well my dear readers, this island changed hands between Genoese, Byzantines, Venetians, Ottomans and Michael Palaoelogos Empire. Recently, so, 22 september 1923 attending the territory of the Republic of Turkey. In present day, Greeks and Turks are living together in this island with their cultures and different beliefs as respectfully.

Gökçeada is my favorite island and my most love place in Turkey. I suggest you absolutely go and visit if you asking me. Believe me you will never regret it! I do not know how can i explain! Island winds, camping areas, peaceful and restable places, rocky cliffs, bays, little, cute and historical Rums (Greeks) villages, organic foods, a lot of olive trees and their olive oils, 100% organic goat cheese and goat meat, sunrise and sunset in summer times, a lot of Turkish-Greek fish and sea product restaurants, there are a loot of appetizers in this restaurants, strong and really tasty old style making Turkish coffee, yummy desserts and cookies making by older Rum grandmamas… I hope you can imagine! J

If you want to go one day to Gökçeada, please do not forget to camping, visit all of the villages, taste little or big goat meat and goat cheese, eat dinner –fishes, sea products, appetizers- and drink Turkish rakı in the sunset, taste island olives and olive oils, swimming in the fascinating bays. Gökçeada always wait you for hospitality! J

Well, we can pass to another subject if you want? This subjects are about religions. Maybe many of you know, Republic of Turkey is really rich of the old civilizations. For this reason, my country have a loooot of mosques, churchs, synagoguges and kind of temples and other religious places.

I want to talking about a church firstly. Actually we can saying a mosque right now, because it will be more correct. Before then now, there was using as a museum. Someone guess it? Yeah, it is Hagia Sophia of course. 90 percent of belivers wondering and want to visiting place. The most visited place from local and foreign people in the World. It is normally, because this place name is Hagia Sophia. If you wonder history of this place also, please approaching to your computer screen! I begin to explain. J

My dear friends, Hagia Sophia briefly as historical is a patriarch cathedral with basilica plan built by Justinian I, 532-537 work in the old cities of the historical peninsula of İstanbul and was converted into a mosque by Fatih Sultan Mehmet (an Ottoman sultan) after the Ottoman conquest of İstanbul in 1453. It has been serving as a museum since 1935 until today. It started to be used as a mosque on 24 july 2020. –But if you ask me, i would like it to remain a museum, and that is a separate issue. Because there are too many Turkish people who think like me.-

Anyway, here are the more details about Hagia Sophia! After the conquest of İstanbul by the Ottoman Empire in 1453, the Hagia Sophia church was transformed into a mosque as a symbol of the conquest. Again after the establishment of the Republic of Turkey has been converted into a museum by the Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and Coincil of Ministers of 24 november 1934 and decision no: 7/1589.

I think everyone know, in the Byzantine period, Hagia Sophia had a great wealth of secret relics. One of these relics are 15 (fifteen) meter high silver iconostatis. Hagia Sophia, the patriarch church of the Patriarch of Constantinople and the center of the Orthodox church for a thousand years, was founded in 1054 by the patriarch Mikhail Kirularios’s pope XI. This event which witnessed his excommunation by Leo, is generally considered the begining of the separetion of Schisma, that is the estern and western churches. After the church was converted into a mosque in 1453, with the tolerance of the Ottoman sultan Fatih Mehmet the conqueror, the mosaics containing human figures were not destroyed (the ones that did not contain them were left as they were), only the mosaics covered with thin plaster and plastered for centuries, thus surviving natural and artifical destruction. While the mosque was transformed into a museum, some of the plaster was removed and the mosaics were brought to light again. The Hagia Sophia building seen today is also known as the third Hagia Sophia, because it is actually the third church built in the same place. This part is important my dear readers; the first two churches were destroyed during the riots. The central dome of Hagia Sophia, the largest dome of it is period, collapsed many times during the Byzantine period, and never collapsed since Mimar Sinan (one of the most important, successful and smart arthitect of Turkey history ever) added the retaining walls to the building.

Allright, can we pass to other place? I think yeah! J We are next stop is a mosque. This mosque also historical and important for Turkey, Turkish people and foreign people. This mosque name is Selimiye Camii. It is located nortwestern of Turkey, in Edirne city. Which was built by the Ottoman Sultan Selim II. By Mimar Sinan. It was built by Mimar Sinan, on the order of Sultan Selim II. On the site of the axmen’s ward of the old palace with the spoils obtained by the conquest of Cyprus. Completed between 1568 and 1574 Selimiye Mosque is greatest work of Ottoman-Turkish architecture. It has four minarets with three balconies. The coin of the minaret is 70,89 meters. The balconies of the minarets on the Harim side of the Selimiye Mosque, which has a dome of 31,28 meters, can be reached by separate ways.

Alright my dear readers, let’s some talking about drink, what do you think? Yeah, right now, i will talk about 2 (two) drinks of Turkey. These were established in Turkey terriroty and really important for Turkish people and Turkish drink culture. Okay, i will be short, let’s begin! J

First famous Turkish drink is non alcoholic. This drink name is ayran. Maybe many of you heard this drink or maybe many of you tasted this drink when they came and visited to Turkey. It is very famous drink. Let’s looking to how was established! 

The Göktürks (Gokturks, the one of the Turk nations at the history) who ruled between AD 552-745, added water to the sour yogurt to reduce it is sourness. For this reason, ayran is came into being by chance.

Ayran is a type of beverage made by adding water to yogurt. It is Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Lebanon, Bulgaria and other Balkan countries with some of the middle East and Central Asia (Turkic Republics) done in the country. Natural, fatty sheep yogurt is preferred for making ayran. A maximum of one and a half parts of water is mixed in one part yogurt. Milk can also be added instead of water to make it more palatable. A little salt can also be added.

Well, the second drink name is rakı. Rakı is a type of alcoholic national drink. There is 45 percent degrees as alcohol. That’s why, it is really strong drink. 

Rakı was first produced in the Ottoman Empire under the name of rakı or rakia. It became a widely consumed beverage in Anatolia and Rumeli during the Ottoman Empire. Turkish rakı differs from it is derivative, the Greek rakı ouzo, in that the type of anise used is less and the alcohol content is generally higher than the Greek rakı. It was a drink enjoyed by the non muslim community in the 19th century and althought it was forbidden for muslim to own businesses, it was a drink consumed in taverns and taverns operated by the  non muslim nation. In the history behind ouzo bottles, there are records that it was also drunk in İstanbul in the 19th century.

Yeah, my dear friends! I hope drinks were interested for you. J Now, we can talk about again in Turkey famous foods, kebaps. I hope you are not hungry because this issue is really will be make feel you hungry! J

Firstly my dear friends, kebap the first dish that comes to mind when Turkish cuisine is mentioned in the World. Is made by cooking meat or minced meat lined up on a skewer over charcoal or wood fire. Kebap, which has many types in itself, contains many recipes and cultures that differ from city to city. The Word kebap which is in our language from Arabic comes from the root kebuba and this Word means roasting and a kind of roasting. The homeland of kebap which has been made in Anatolia for more than a thousand years, is southeastern Anatolia and eastern Mediterrenean. Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa, Adana and Mersin are in the top ranks in terms of kebap. Each of these cities has different styles of cooking and serving kebaps, and there has been a sweet competition between them for centuries. J And also everybody knows doner kebap, known as döner has announced the fame of Turkish cuisine to the whole World. 

Drawing kebaps made from minced meat with armors, blending them with salt and black pepper as well as many spices, attaching bottles and cooking them is a skillful task in itself. Kebaps are served with many vegetables, particularly tomatoes, peppers, onions and eggplants, as well as with many salads. In addition to these, kabaps are prepared with many vegetables, especially eggplant kebap, tomato kebap, onion kebap. Before the kebap meat is prepared, separating it from fat and nerves, specially seasoning it and not putting any offal meat into the meat are also very important issues to obtain a good kebap. Briefly my dear friends, you must to carefull the all details if you want to eat meat very well! J

Oh, no! I was writed 2.500 and more words! I am sorry but we came the end of the this article. L I hope, i hope you was really liked it and was be learned for you! Also i am sorry if i faulted to writing. Please forgive me! J I will write to my mail in under here. If you want to more information about Turkey or something, you can write me everytime. You can be sure i will answer to you! J I love you all and thank you for readed. Take care and stay reading!

My e-mail adress is:    ertertgungor@gmail.com

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