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Important 5 Turkish Phrases for Your Travel of Turkey!


   Hi again, dear friends! Did you like my last basic Turkish words on my blog? I hope so, that's why i wanna share Turkish 'phrases' on this blog! Don't forget, if you wanna speak Turkish, you need to know these phrases!☺ This will give you more informations about Turkey travels, shopping, conversations and more. So, if you wanna visit to Turkey and you'll be first time in Turkey, it's really important for you. Let's examine now!

   Guys, we're Turks using a loooot of phrases in daily life and many of phrases doesn't translate other languages. In this reason, a lot of foreigners don't understand too much words and phrases. If we translate to other languages, our phrases sounds like so absurd and misundersanding! For example; my wife.☺

   My wife is from South America, Ecuador and you know, they're speak Spanish. My Spanish is really, really Tarzanian! You know Tarzan? Yeah, i hope so. How his English, my Spanish is also same like him. Anyway, we're speak English each other and she can't speak Turkish as well. We're living in Turkey almost 8 month and her speak Turkish is still Tarzanian! Because Turkish is really hard to learn. We have conjugations in our language, only this is a big reason to learning as hard. Another one is, accents! If you don't recognize as well our letters, you can make a fault while speaking and we can't understand. And my wife always doing it and she hate this!☺ For example; we have 'ö' and 'ü' letters, if you wanna say to 'öldü', it mean died. My wife say this words like 'oldu', it mean done! It not our fault, we can't understand what you mean.☺

   Dear friends, i don't wanna more extend and passing to our subject back. Well, we're gonna talk about daily phrases of Turkish people now. Our first phrase is 'kolay gelsin!' Pronounced is same, how you read it, you can say too. It's mean like God give you power and you work as easily. I'm thinking like this because i said, you can't translate other languages. Turks are saying this words like it hasn't a mean. It's like more memorized or stick them tongue, they're just saying it.☺

   Alright, now we can talk about where you saying this phrase of Turkey? You can say it in every work places, offices, restaurants, bars, barbers, shops and etc. When you saying it? Whenever you want!☺ You can say it entarence of the work places like 'hello, have a good day...' or while leaving from work shops like 'thank you, good bye...'. So, if you say kolay gelsin to Turks, you can earn them sympathies and it will make you cool in Turkey!☺ Congratulations, you learned and passed this phrase.

   Dear friends, second one is 'eline sağlık'. It's pronounce like 'eline saalık'. You can think like double and extend 'a','u','e' or 'o' when you see the 'ğ' letter. For example my name is Ertuğ, and we say this name like 'ertuu'. Anyway, this phrase mean like 'you're so industrious, your hands are so resourceful or skillful'. We're saying it often in our daily life in Turkey, it's so common. For example; you're chef or painter master, if you cook tasty food or painting my house as well, we can say to you this phrase. I hope it has been explanatory and you got it!☺

   Another phrase is 'hayırlı olsun' or 'hayırlı, uğurlu olsun'! Pronounce is same. It hasn't mean, we say it for 'wish a goodness'. For example; when you buy a new car, motorcycle, house and like these or when you're married... We say this phrase to you.☺

   Dear friends, another phrase is 'geçmiş olsun'. Pronounce is 'gechmish olsun'. We say it for sick, had an accident and also returning from the dead person or people, sometimes we say it for students who finished the exams and like these times. You get it, it mean like 'get well soon'. ☺

   'Sağlık olsun' is another phrase of Turkish in Turkey. Pronounce is already you know now, 'saalık olsun'.☺ It hasn't mean, we say who lost something about his/her life for example, you have debt and that's why sold your car, right? We say this phrase! So, we want to say you're still healty, don't your mood down, i hope not again and like these. 

   Alright, dear friends! I hope it has been explanatory and you understood me as well. When you arrived in Turkey for travel or trade, you can use these phrases! You'll see, these will be really helpful for you. If you want to 'part II' of this article, you can write me comments under this article or hit me up by my mail! See you to next articles, dear friends! 


   mail: ertertgungor@gmail.com

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